Chapter 111 - 120

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Chapter 111 Under the Sky 36

    The seemingly white walls are actually tightly sewn with a secret door.

    Fu Yizhi pushed the secret door open, and there was a small room inside.

    Turn on the flashlight and shine in. The equipment in the room is simple, only a pair of tables and chairs and a side-standing bookshelf.

    On the ground, a lot of fuel oil used for power generation was piled up.


    Fu Anan's eyes popped out, "Brother Fu, where did you get so much fuel?" I

    finally understood why Fu Yizhi asked her to clean up the space.

    Fu Yizhi: "A resource point discovered by accident."

    Fu An'an quickly put away the gasoline on the ground, and the gasoline filled the remaining space, and there were even a few barrels left.

    Coupled with the fact that they stored it in the basement of the villa before, it was enough for the last few days.


    Now the time is 1:46, moving quickly makes their oxygen consumption much more than usual.

    Just in the dark room, the two replaced the air tank again.

    Counting from now, they still have more than forty minutes of air available.

    The distance from the hut to the villa is about forty minutes.

    Time was running short, and both of them speeded up tacitly.

    They encountered several robbery accidents along the way, and they almost got involved.

    In the end, he returned to the villa before the oxygen was about to run out, and it was safe and sound.

    After the two replaced the new air tanks, they sat downstairs to breathe calmly, quietly waiting for the moment of suffocation to pass.

    Immediately afterwards, Fu An'an began to clean up their supplies.

    Including the robbing at the robbers, they now have a total of eighty-one air tanks.

    Among them, 16 were full and 65 were empty.

    But they have compressors now, and sooner or later these empty bottles will have to be filled.

    Fu An'an's originally tense mood relaxed a little.

    And outside the villa.

    The police station was attacked, and all the air compressors were lost, which completely boiled the already restless town.

    Even the people who were originally hiding in the house were already aware of it at this time.

    The police station is gone, even if we get through today, where should the air tanks be replenished tomorrow?

    If you want to survive, air is the key!

    In this situation, whoever gets the fucking air compressor is king!


    The town was originally an intricate and small organization with close relatives, and it has undergone an unknown number of power changes.

    Tissues produce new tissues in the process of continuous division, tearing and fusion.

    No one can sleep tonight.

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