Chapter 1101 - 1110

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  Chapter 1101 "Are you there?" 46
  Fu An'an said everything clearly and logically. While praising Qi Qisheng Cake Shop, he also gave him a lot of innovative suggestions.

  "Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We will improve the great cause of desserts based on your suggestions in the future." A shrill

  voice outside came from inside, with a trace of unidentifiable respect, " As expected of being our VIP member, he has his own special ideas on taste."

  Spicy millefeuille, dog poop-flavored tiramisu, garlic puffs...

  is that a special idea? That's fooling you!

  Zheng Tianxing is an honest person, and he feels that he really doesn't match up with such an unreliable boss.

  He thought about it and looked at Fu Yizhi again, this taciturn and serious man - as two people with completely different personalities, what is it about this guy who likes Fu Team?
  "Brother Cool, what do you think my brother Fu is doing?"

  Fu Anan was busy dealing with the thing outside, turned around and saw Zheng Tianxing staring at Fu Yizhi without blinking, "Although I, Fu Brother is very handsome, but he is mine."

  She reminded loudly.

  The corners of Fu Yizhi's mouth curled up slightly when he heard the words, and his dark brown eyes were engraved with deep love when looking at her.

  Oops this scene.

  Zheng Tianxing looked away in discomfort, "Fu Dui, you think too much."

  This man is handsome, and his appearance is also above average. Besides, "I like girls." He

  said and added here One sentence, "That kind of girl with soft voice, soft body, white, obedient and gentle."

  Fu Yizhi turned to Fu An'an when he heard the words, and his eyes became slightly cold when he shifted his eyes to Zheng Tianxing.

  After listening to the standard carefully, Fu Anan frowned, "Your request is too difficult to find."

  "I haven't finished yet."

  Zheng Tianxing said, "The most important thing is that she has a pair of long and beautiful Youqi." "


  Fu Anan was taken aback when he heard this, what is that?
  "That's right, the most important thing about a girl's beauty is Yuqi."

  As he spoke, he touched the two locks of hair on his forehead with his fingers.

  Watching his movements, Fu An'an instantly understood that You Qi must be those two strands of hair. No wonder he has a big back but wants to keep those two abrupt dragon beard bangs, which turned out to be a sharp weapon for finding a spouse.

  It was too late to ask them why the hair was called You Qi, Fu Anan's attention was once again attracted by the door.

  "Thank you very much for your enthusiastic cooperation in the investigation of our Qiqisheng Cake Shop. Our visit today is over. Thank you for your help to us all the time."

  Hearing this, the sudden investigation finally came to an end.


  It was finally possible to announce the end, but Fu An'an suddenly called out to stop the investigator who was about to leave.

  "I actually have one more important thing!"

  Fu An'an said in a deep voice, "It's about the waiter who has been delivering cakes these days."

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