Chapter 971 - 980

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 Chapter 971 Shengchun First People's Hospital 28
  On the ceiling above Yang Jie's head, a face covered with red spots happened to meet him. All black eyes stared into his, and then parted into a grin.


  Yang Jie was so frightened that he dropped the food and rolled down the seventh step.

  Fu An'an also reacted instantly, and jumped to the next floor in two steps to avoid the thing falling to the ground.

  Yang Jie was so frightened that his legs went limp, he didn't expect to encounter this thing during the day, and his whole body limp into a ball.

  Fu An'an reached out to grab his arm, and dragged him inside.

  Pull him from the stairwell to the interior of the fourth floor of the hospital.

  It was pitch black and empty inside, only the unusually obvious footsteps when they ran in, as if they had come to a different time and space.

  The things behind chased to the door and disappeared.

  Fu Anan took Yang Jie to look out the door, there was nothing in the stairs, but when she stretched out her neck, a cold wind blew over her head.

  This path cannot be followed.

  After making a careful judgment, she stretched out her hand towards Yang Jie, "Give me the flashlight."

  If this way doesn't work, then go another way.

  There are a total of three stairs in the inpatient building, one on the south side, one in the middle, and one on the north side.

  Among them, the passage on the south side is the closest to here.

  They just have to go through the hallway on the right and turn right.

  The only problem is that this fourth floor does not look like the other fourth floor, and there is no known danger hidden inside.

  "Follow me closely."

  Fu Anan turned around and said to Yang Jie.

  He nodded, and took her arm again very naturally.

  Fu An'an glanced at this nasty girlfriend-style holding method, even Zhang Yuanyuan rarely held her like this.

  Yang Jie, a young man, is unavoidably a bit sissy.

  "Boss, let's go."

  Compared with sissy, Yang Jie cares more about life.

  The further you go inside, the darker it becomes.

  The light of the small flashlight is only a little bit, and you can see things about three meters away. The environment is too dark, people's vision seems to be covered with a layer of veil, even where there is a flashlight, it is still gray.

  Fu Anan was also very nervous at this time, she and Yang Jie were afraid to speak along the way. Until they came to the corner of the hallway, which meant the stairs were next to it.

  Yang Jie's spirit was shaken, and he involuntarily quickened his pace.

  The moment they were about to go down, Fu Anan suddenly reached out to stop him, "Wait."

  After she finished speaking, she took out a wooden drawer from the space and threw it to the corner.

  The wooden drawers disappeared in an instant.

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