Chapter 1001 - 1010

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  Chapter 1001 Island Survival 1

  [Please be careful! !
  1. In competitive games, all potential successor players have 3 chances to revive. If all 3 chances are used up, the player will die in the real world.

  2. In scrambling games, all potential successor players are allowed to use special abilities, and are not allowed to use any game props.

  3. Competing games are based on a scoring system. Points earned in the game will be accumulated to the overall ranking list.

  The scoring criteria are:
  (1) kill the player, 1 point/time

  (2) pass the game, 10 points for the excellent file of the system evaluation; 5 points for the good file; 1 point for the pass


  Please note! ! The successor is most likely to be born among the top three players! 】

  These are all explanations for racing games.

  Fu An'an read it all at a glance.

  Further down is the introduction of this round of dungeons.

  [This round of the game: Island Survival. There will be 4570 potential heirs to play with you.

  In this game, you need to

  1. Survive for thirty days

  2. Find 10,000 survival cards scattered on the island. At the end of the game, you must have 1 or more survival cards.

  The game starts now! 】

  The surrounding white mist dissipated.

  When Fu An'an saw clearly where she was, she realized that she was actually in the sky! There is a large island at the foot, with mountains, jungles, rivers and flat lands. It is not easy to see these from her current position.


  There are thousands of parachutes like her floating in the sky.

  There are high and low, near and far.

  The closest one to her was only a dozen meters away.

  Some people who can use parachutes fly very fast, and some people have already landed.

  And Fu Anan was very embarrassed that after learning so many skills, only skydiving was not often used, and she almost forgot. After groping for a long time, I finally grasped the method and controlled the direction to fly towards the place I chose.

  She chose a dense forest. Because before she came down, 70% of the people had already landed. In order not to be ambushed by these people, the dense forest is the easiest place to hide your whereabouts.

  In a game where all players are S rank, Fu Anan was extremely cautious from the beginning.

  Lady Luck, she wasn't hanging from a branch. Just landing in a rare open space in the dense forest, she put away her parachute and quickly left this place.

  After running a little longer, her figure immediately disappeared.

  Fu An'an looked up, and through the clumps of leaves, he could see some people above his head who hadn't fallen down yet.

  At this time, the later the person, the more unfavorable the situation for them. Fu Anan withdrew her gaze and began to look at her current situation.

  Island survival in this round game is really survival.

  No tools, no water, no food. She only has a vest and shorts all over her body, and she doesn't even have a pair of shoes.

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