Chapter 231 - 240

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Chapter 231 Love Town 6
  As soon as it was finished, someone came up and asked, "This wreath is so beautiful, can you give it to me?

  " This is beautiful?

  "I'm sorry, I won't give it away."

  Fu Anan put the wreath on her wrist and said without thinking.

  The man walked away regretfully.

  Fu An'an supported his head and looked outside, the breeze drifted gently, and a faint fragrance came in from the window.

  It's a bit like a floral fragrance, but it doesn't seem to be.

  It's so refreshing that people can't help but want to smell it a few more times, and then it suddenly disappears. People around looked out of the window and seemed to smell the fragrance.

  It's a pity that it disappeared too quickly, and I don't know where it came from.

  At this time a shabby, crazy man suddenly broke into the street. When they saw people, they would frantically push and attack ordinary pedestrians, causing chaos on the street outside.

  The police and security arrived soon, and the riot didn't last long. They caught the man and put him in the car.

  They just passed by the window of the coffee shop, and a crazy voice floated into his ears and he said - "Sooner or later, I will die."

  Fu Anan's eyes widened instantly when he heard the man's muttering, perhaps What does he know.

  Thinking of this, she immediately caught up. It's a pity that it was still a bit slow, the man had already been taken into the police car, leaving Fu An'an with a burst of car exhaust.

  At this time, the radio in the whole town sounded, and cheerful music was playing inside, pushing the festive atmosphere to its climax.

  Couples who have successfully held hands have flooded the streets. The single men and women who were obviously not in a pair were enthusiastically pulled to the square. This is a disguised blind date meeting held by the town for them.

  Each had a bouquet stuffed in his hand, blue roses for men, red roses for girls.

  According to the custom, whether they like it or not, the person who receives the rose must choose a person of the opposite sex who will give the rose to watch the evening music performance.

  The town really worked hard for its own performance.

  Fu An'an looked at the few bouquets of flowers that became more after a while. The game is set up like this, is it because she wants her to choose a few NPCs to take home?

  In fact, some NPCs can still look good.

  With the idea of ​​looking at handsome guys, Fu Anan's eyes wandered in the crowd. During the period, he looked at several good-looking little brothers, and secretly rated them in his heart.

  But since arriving at the villa, there are no ugly people around, and Father Fu's appearance is even more unnatural, which makes her aesthetic standards a lot higher.

  No one on the field reached 8 points.

  Fu An'an thought to herself, and at the next moment, she met a familiar gaze—

  father Fu, whom she had been looking for for several days, was at the direction of nine o'clock at this moment, about 50 meters away from her.

  The expression is cold and repulsive, looking at her direction, with a little impatience and anger hidden on his face.

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