Chapter 251 - 260

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  Chapter 251 Love Town 26
  Two more people were tied up, and Fu Anan leaned on the opposite sofa panting.

  If there were more people, she would not dare to open the door.

  After resting for a while, Fu Anan looked at the three people on the opposite side and used physical means to help them wake up one by one.

  "Before I was in a coma, when did you wake up?"

  The three answered one by one. The earliest was at 3 am on December 10, and the latest was at 7 am on December 10.

  Fu Anan glanced at the record of the number of people who woke up in his notebook.

  According to her records, the earliest time for a man to wake up after a deep sleep is at 2:00 am, and the latest is 12:00 noon for Fu Yizhong.

  The awakening time of these three people happened to be the early five hours.

  The number of people who wake up during this time is about 70% of the total males.

  Fu Anan thought for a while, then lowered her head and sent a message to Fu Yizhi -

  [Brother Fu, are you surrounded by many girls? If this is the case, pay attention to ask them when they woke up after fainting before. ]

  [Yes. 】

  The other side replied with a word.

  There are many people in the villa area where Fu Anan lives.

  In one morning, excluding those who were caught by her, there were six or seven more people at the door.

  Fu Anan locked the three people in the living room into the utility room.

  The door is blocked with a sofa.

  In the afternoon, Fu Yizhi sent a message, but in the morning, he sent it at least 30 times.

  The time is between 6:00 pm and 12:00 pm on December 9th, which is also the maximum of 70%.

  Sure enough, it has something to do with the order of waking up.

  Fu Yizhi then sent another one, [The range of the scent is within a radius of about 20 meters, don't move around. 】

  Twenty meters radius.

  Fu An'an was a little relieved, there were not many people within a 20-meter radius of the villa.

  The population of the hotel is relatively dense.

  No wonder Father Fu can get nearly thirty places in one morning.

  Thanks for your hard work.

  With the news he gave, Fu An'an is not planning to move the place for the time being, the villa complex should be the most sparsely populated place in the town.

  Glancing at the few people blocking the door, he took out two pistols and stuck them in his waist.

  Even if they get violent, he can subdue them.

  Now I am more worried about the situation with Fu's father.

  Sending a message was inconvenient, so Fu An'an called Fu Yizhi, and the other person connected quickly, but it was very noisy.

  "Brother Fu, how is your side?"

  "Fortunately, there are a lot of people."

  "The villa is safer, why don't you come over?" Fu Anan said.

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