Chapter 1141 - 1150

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  Chapter 1141 The
  City Where the Sun Never Sets 11 The camel sat down where it was, still poking its mouth, as if chewing betel nuts, unmoved by Fu Anan's words.

  A camel can live 17 days without food or drink. One of the reasons Fu Anan bought it was because it ate less and had a good temper. In addition, camels are also meat, which is also a very important reason for storing food.

  For this reason, she was even able to forgive Brother Tuo for his coldness.

  Not to mention, this aloofness is a bit like her brother Fu!
  It was finally getting dark.

  The desert here has no stars at night.

  The sky is like a pure black cloth, extremely black!
  Fu Anan, who had been driving for a whole day, also sat down and leaned against the camel. At the same time, he took out a big steamed bun from the space, and made a living with the water.

  The most common thing in her space is Mugalan, which she calls cassava root; followed by Damo.

  In the Gobi, even firewood has to be bought with money.

  She thought that she might be able to pick it up on the road, so she didn't buy it at all. Who knows, she didn't pick up a single firewood after walking for a whole day.

  There is still meat in the space. Cassava root and meat are both things that need to be cooked before they can be eaten. Only big buns are the most cost-effective food.

  Cooking the food in the space is the most important thing for Fu Anan now.

  Now that he knows where the westernmost part of the border is, even if Fu Yizhi finds it, he will definitely go to the nearest Gobi to replenish supplies.

  With the latest useful information, Fu An'an is going to go back tomorrow. She reached out and touched the rough fur on the back of the camel, "Brother Camel, it seems that our fate has come to an end."

  She had a very good idea, since the camel was not needed for the time being, she would sell it when she got back, and then buy another Some firewood, salt and steamed buns.

  Game Day Five

  How dark the night is, how dazzling the sun is during the day. This came and went, and two days passed like this.

  Then the sun returned to the Gobi under the guidance of the sun, and the first thing Fu Anan did while leading the camel was to see if the house he rented for a small gold was still there.

  As soon as she entered the door, the boss was still fiddling with the abacus casually at the door, and sitting next to her was a man with bulging muscles, a dark body, a short shaved head, and a long scar on his face.

  This person has fierce eyes, the kind that can scare a child into tears with a single glance.

  Fu An'an had a special impression of him, he was the head of the camel team that the boss entrusted with bringing supplies. Seeing her coming in, the boss put his eyes on her, that kind of scrutinizing gaze, he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

  Good or bad, she is not afraid.

  Fu Anan met his gaze and looked back, then sat down in front of the boss.

  "You still know how to come back."

  The boss looked at Fu An'an.

  "Boss, is the house I rented still available?"

  Fu An'an cut to the point, "I'm not leaving, I plan to stay here for a few more days."

  "You will run out of room when you come back one day later."

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