Chapter 891 - 900

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  Chapter 891 Invasion 6
  The commerce of Shengchun City is extremely developed.

  There are three large wholesale markets alone.

  A dazzling array of glittering jewelry is sold in bundles, which satisfies the girls' nature of picking and choosing.

  There are a lot of people inside, and all kinds of goods are circulated in the hands of different people dozens of times a day or hundreds of times a day. People here also like to use cash, and the favorite thing for bosses is to count the money after a deal is closed.

  The thumb dipped in the saliva and moved quickly, and he could count ten thousand in almost thirty seconds.

  Fu Anan drove by, looked at it curiously, but didn't stop too much.

  For fighting, it is very easy to buy wooden sticks and make maces.

  After buying it quickly, she drove around various mid-to-high-end residential areas and villa areas in Shengchun City.

  until evening.

  Lights came on all over the city.

  Fu Anan refilled himself with gasoline, and then set off back to the rental house.

  It's 8 o'clock in the evening.

  Passing the Ren'ai Clinic on the road, vehicles are required to slow down at the intersection ahead. She glanced quickly inside. The clinic was still brightly lit.

  On the street where the rental building is located, tall trees are planted on both sides of the road, and the sparse lights on both sides make the surroundings appear dim.

  Even darker than the street is the corridor in the rental house.

  All the lights inside were broken, and the street lights outside could only illuminate the first floor at most. The inside is like a black abyss, and you can't see your fingers when you enter it.

  Fu Anan took out her mobile phone, and was about to turn on the flashlight inside, when suddenly a black shadow appeared behind her.

  She quickly turned around and kicked the black shadow. At the same time as he was kicked away, the phone was knocked to the ground and rolled down the stairs to the next floor.

  Seeing the flashing light on the mobile phone screen slide down, and immediately turn off when it hit the wall, Fu Anan frowned tightly.

  Didn't break it?

  "Hand over the keys, we just want the car!"

  At this moment, a deliberately changed voice sounded from above, and he blocked Fu An'an's way up.

  Including the one who was kicked below, there are two people in total.

  Also know she has a car.

  It means that the robbery was specifically aimed at her.

  The people in the building may be players.

  After Fu An'an finished the analysis, he guessed their exact location by the sound.

  "Give us the car keys, we don't want to hurt anyone."

  Seeing that Fu Anan hadn't moved, the people above repeated, "Hurry up!"

  He rushed down.

  Hearing the sound of footsteps coming down, Fu Anan took out the wooden stick she had just bought and hadn't attached the nails yet.

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