Chapter 491 - 500

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  Chapter 491 Jiancun 5
  Fu An'an took a look at Shi Yicai, and frowned slightly, "What's so funny about you weak chicken? Believe it or not, I will replace you?" She said, looking

  at the other two cohabitants girl.

  The two girls looked at her gaze, and quickly shifted their gaze to the front.

  Fu Anan's every move, as well as the experience of stealing things, as long as the two girls are not stupid, they will not be willing to change.

  "If you don't mind, let me come."

  Cao Baoshan, a middle-aged man in his forties with a bald head, stood up and said.

  At the same time, he glanced at Fu An'an several times.

  This little girl has a violent temper, but she is beautiful.

  And he is a big man, but he can't stand up to a girl?
  Fu Yizhi frowned imperceptibly.

  The corners of Shi Yicai's mouth twitched slightly, "Okay, I'll give you the bed."

  "Your bed must be given up." Fu Anan nodded and glanced at them arrogantly, "But I won't choose either." Nian Xie Ding."

  Cao Baoshan's face turned dark when he heard this.

  Fu Anan ignored him, turned her eyes around the group of people, and finally stopped on her father Fu, "It's just


  Move here later, and sleep with me."

  In the eyes of others, Fu Anan is just for her. I found the most handsome one.

  "At such a young age, I didn't expect to be so shameless!"

  Seeing this, Cao Baoshan couldn't hold back anymore, and opened his mouth to criticize.


  Shi Yicai sneered, "This is shameless!"

  Fu Anan frowned, "Are you looking for a beating?"

  As soon as the words fell, the two sides were about to fight again.

  Finally, a third-party peacemaker emerged.

  Dai Dahai separated the two parties, with a simple and honest smile on his face, and tried to persuade him, "Since everyone has revealed their identities, they will be teammates from now on. If there is a problem in the next few days, please help if you can.

  Don't hurt yourself." Be kind."

  With Dai Dahai's appearance, the remaining people responded one after another.

  The current situation is unclear, and fighting in the nest is meaningless.

  The two parties were finally persuaded to pull apart.

  With a tense face, Fu Anan brought the returned father Fu into the room, closed the door and smiled.

  "Just so happy?"

  Fu Yizhi sat aside and looked at her.

  Just entered the game for a day, and made two enemies for herself. Those who didn't know thought she had picked up money.


  Fu An'an nodded, this round of jumping was very valuable.

  The first is the character design. Looking at their reactions, the vigorous idiot must stand still.

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