Chapter 1281 - 1290

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  Chapter 1281 Advancement Game 72
  Taking a breath without defense, Riei Masui first felt the stench of a Big Mac, and then her lungs began to ache.

  The stuffy smell will still come up.

  It's like eating a big bowl of mustard, the taste is so strong that it will explode your head.

  Not to mention the center of their stinky farts, Su Cen and the others could smell the smell of exploding rotten eggs even at the edge of their stinky farts. People's perfumes are divided into top notes, middle notes and back notes, and Zheng Tianxing's poisonous gas is also divided into two flavors: near and far.

  A group of people covered their mouths and noses one after another, trying hard to see clearly the venue shrouded in yellow-green gas.

  "An'an will be okay?"

  Su Cen was very worried, they couldn't see what was going on inside.

  "Believe her! She has a lot of ghost ideas."

  Zhang Xincheng stared at the cloud of gas intently, as if he praised Fu An'an, but he didn't seem to praise...

  The other side

  was also shrouded in poisonous gas, and Fu Anan could be said to have killed a thousand enemies, Self-destruct nine hundred.

  In the poisonous gas of Kuge, the person with the best body will only feel how bad the smell is in the first 10 seconds, and there is an illusion of being refreshed by mint, and it is difficult to breathe.

  In half a minute, people will gradually feel the physical effects of the poisonous gas. Gradually chest tightness and dizziness, because of lack of oxygen, I have to breathe, and because of breathing, I inhale more toxins into the body.

  Stay in Kuge’s poisonous gas for three minutes, and the poisonous gas will gradually affect the respiratory system. At this time, no matter how healthy people are, they will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, and the toxins will begin to spread around the body. The internal organs and brain are the most affected places.

  If you stay in the poisonous gas of Brother Ku for five minutes, you will definitely be a ruthless person. At this time, the respiratory system has already caused serious damage. Even if the person is rescued from the poisonous gas, the damage will be permanent. Enduring poisonous gas torture for more than five minutes, that person is in danger.

  Fu An'an's only advantage is that he knows how terrifying Ku Ge's farts are.

  According to the power introduced by Ku Ge himself, she can stay in the poison gas for at most five minutes now.

  For five minutes,

  Fu Anan held his breath and rushed towards the direction of the thick fog.

  In the case of not being able to see clearly, the test is a person's skill and physical fitness.

  Masui Liying's skills can only be considered average.

  Fu Anan rushed forward by feeling, and the blade kept scratching his clothes and skin. When she couldn't hold her breath and took a breath of poisonous air, it was still full of blood.

  Just when Fu Anan was about to kill him completely, there was a scream in the thick fog, and at the same time, the space around him shook.

  A huge suction came from the side, and Fu Anan was squeezed in all directions by an inexplicable force, as if to press her into a ball, and another force pushed her towards a certain place back hard.

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