Chapter 521 - 530

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  Chapter 521 Jiancun 35
  The fire made the people in the village forget about arresting people. Fighting the fire is a big deal for them.

  At this time, Fu An'an and Fu Yizhi were running around in the alley.

  Although I don't know why, but looking at the fire spreading at an abnormal speed, it is easy to think that someone is setting the fire on purpose.

  Want to stop it?
  Just thinking about it, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps from the side.

  The two quickly hid and waited for the group of villagers fighting the fire to leave.

  Although the houses in the village are made of cement, there are many wooden beams, windows and fences, and the houses for raising livestock are even built with thatch.

  Once the fire is ignited, it is not so easy to extinguish it.

  Hundreds of people in the village were fighting the fire, and it would be useless if there were more than two of them.

  Instead, the risk factor is extremely high.

  And I don't know why it was set on fire.

  Weighing the pros and cons, it's not worth going to the arsonist, or putting out the fire.

  "Brother Fu, let's steal the bronze mirror while they are all gone."

  Fu An'an had a flash of inspiration, and seriously suggested to Fu Yizhi.

  The bronze mirror she was talking about was of course not an ordinary bronze mirror, but the mirror in the very center of the village that was treasured by the villagers.

  She looked at Fu Yizhi.

  Although the old man didn't speak, Fu Anan read a word from his eyes - "Ke".

  The two began to rush towards the room in the center of the village.

  The orange flames lit up the entire village, even the trees had already started to burn, and waves of heat followed the wind towards the village.

  The chickens and ducks started screaming wildly.

  The dogs barked too.

  The villagers were busy fighting the fire, and the livestock had no time to take care of them.

  Some of the dogs broke free from their chains, and chickens and ducks jumped out of the pens with wings high. But more of them are caught in a sea of ​​fire, starting from the hair and burning until they are all charred.

  In addition to people, the screams of domestic animals are even more horrific.

  Fu An'an's face was serious, and the fire was about to burn.

  They... might need to hurry up.

  At this moment, a sound suddenly came from a small alley.

  There are many discarded wood and rotten bamboo poles in the alleys, and the bamboos burst when heavy objects hit them.

  I vaguely saw that it was a person.

  Fu An'an paused, took a half step back with his left foot, and subconsciously made a defensive posture.

  "Fu An, Fu Xiaoyuan."

  The people in the alley handed over their names. This familiar voice was Dai Dahai!
  "Great, I ran into you."

  Dai Dahai ran out with arms folded.

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