Chapter 561 - 570

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  Chapter 561 Meltdown 14
  The citizens of Changyu City didn't know what happened. They only saw a large number of exploded plane wreckage and dead bodies of passengers falling from the sky.

  From the ground, the wreckage of these people and the plane is only the size of ants.

  All the first aid and fire engines in the city were dispatched, because the people on these planes were all rich or expensive people!
  The ambulance and fire trucks went back and forth all day.

  The wreckage and corpses of the plane fell in the city. None of the people on it survived, and their deaths were horrific.

  Not only that, many innocent citizens were also injured.

  At this time, all the citizens have great doubts in their hearts:

  Why do so many wealthy and dignitaries in Changyu City leave by plane at this time?

  What in the sky caused the planes to explode almost simultaneously?
  After all, the news cannot be concealed, Acid Rain!

  According to the calculation of the Institute of Meteorology, this will last at least half a month!

  The pH value of acid rain will eventually drop to a few points.

  With this intensity, the sky is not acid rain, but strong acid!

  Umbrellas, raincoats, vehicles, etc., these will not be able to withstand the erosion of acid rain in the future, so they can only hide in the house.

  Even the buildings, under the long-term strong acid wash, may be destroyed!
  The news, the social forums, the radio, started broadcasting the news simultaneously.

  Everyone who heard it was dumbfounded.

  Someone was standing on the road with an umbrella.

  With a tick, a drop of water landed right on top of his head.

  He looked up and saw that his new umbrella had been corroded with a hole.

  If one word were to describe the current Changyu City, it would be chaos.

  The crisis-conscious family simply packed their clothes and drove to leave Changyu City.

  Some families are discussing when to leave.

  Some families were not ready to leave, but they started to collect food and drove to the supermarket overnight to buy various foods.

  It is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not.

  If they really wait until the day when the strong acid is applied, at least they will not be starved to death.

  On the sixteenth day of the game
  , when Fu Anan woke up, he saw the news of the traffic jam in the city.

  Last night, they planned to leave overnight, and there were quite a few people who went out to collect supplies.

  After acid rain for so long, even the best vehicles show signs of damage. If a car breaks down, it can only be parked on the road, and undamaged cars can only be blocked behind.

  And this drizzle.

  The citizens who planned to flee did not leave at all.

  People who wanted to buy food were also blocked on the road.

  This made Changyu City, which was already panic-stricken and difficult to manage, worse. The traffic police commanded on the avenue in the rain. The acid rain drenched his head and clothes, and his exposed skin was covered with red marks.

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