Gargee, is a very intelligent, beautiful and a sassy attitude type of girl. She has a weird kind of love for ancient weapons especially Bow and arrow( Dhanush ban). She has great love for music, art and dance . In simple words she is an allrounder...
As our lunch was over. Four of us decided to hangout in common room. As soon as we reached there, I plopped on one of the couches lazily. Madhav, Draupadi and Shikhandi slapped their foreheads in unison with a look of ' Nothing can of this girl' . I grinned at them sheepishly.
After sometime scene in the room was changed. Rajkumaris were talking something among themselves and Madhav was painting something and I was staring at him curiously. Madhav looks really cool. And the coolest thing is that he wears a peacock feather on his crown. I liked it. Madhav caught me staring at him. He raised a brow at me and smirked. " What do you see Rajkumari Gargee?" He asked me teasingly without looking at me and continuing his painting. " Its nothing, you look cool" I said . He furrowed his eyebrows at me in confusion. " What do you mean?" He asked. I am stupid. How can he know this modern words. " I mean you look good" I said in explaining tone. " Really Gargee, I look only good?" He asked in disbelief and showing fake hurt. " Okay fine you look, handsome" I said sighing. He grinned ear to ear. " I know that" He said proudly. I rolled my eyes. "Umm.. Madhav why do you wear peacock feather on your crown?" I asked curiously. " Because I like it" He said simply still continuing his painting. " Why dont you like me wearing that?" He asked. " No, I mean I love that . I am thinking of starting to wear peacock feather in my turban " I said smiling. " Really ? Then I have a gift for you" He said. He placed his paintbrush on table and made his way towards me. And he place a peacock feather head band on my hand. " Now you can wear that on your turban " He said pinching my cheeks. I smiled cheekily at him.
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I immediately wrapped it around my turban and showed it to Madhav. " You are looking gorgeous Gargee" He exclaimed. I smiled at him brightly. Then I went towards Rajkumaris to show them my new headband. " Now Govind and Gargee are looking siblings" Draupadi said grinning. I looked at Madhav and he smiled at me. " Of course Madhav is my big brother" I said proudly. " Oh really?" Madhav asked teasingly. " Yes! Do you have any problem? I asked giving him death glare. " Your wish is my an order for me Rajkumari" Madhav said bowing down dramatically. Rajkumaris giggled. Madhav went to continue his painting . Meanwhile I fell asleep.
After sometime. " Garrrggeee wakkkkeee uuuppp ...." I heard Draupadi say in sing a song tone. I opened my eyes and saw Draupadi and Madhav towering over me. I immediately got up . " Where is Rajkumari Shikhandi?" I asked. " Pitashri called her , so she went and no need to call her Rajkumari , you can call her jiji because now she is your sister." Draupadi demanded and I nodded. " Do you want to see something interesting?" Draupadi asked excitingly. " Yes of course" I said in boring tone. " The interesting thing is the painting drawn by me." Madhav said proudly. I looked at the painting and saw Madhav had drawn some handsome man probably a prince.
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" Its nice Madhav , but what is so interesting in it?" I asked in confusion. " Gargee! That drawing is of Rajkumar Arjun" Draupadi said excitingly. " Oh" was the only this I was able to say. I again looked at the painting . He is really handsome. I think in this era everyone is handsome unlike in 21st century. " He looks handsome. I allow you to marry this man" I said to Draupadi in Parent line tone. Draupadi and Madhav chuckled.
Then Madhav told us about who are Pandavas . Five brothers namely Yudhistir, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahedev , each of them are the children of Gods , who gifted them to Late Maharaj Pandu and Maharani Kunti. They are princes of Hastinapur. Five of them have huge rivalry with their brothers , who are sons of Maharaj Dhritrashtra and Maharani Gandhari. They are known as Kauravas . As per Madhav Pandavas are on the path of dharma and Kauravas are not. Due to jealousy with Pandavas , the Kauravas with their mamashri , the cunning and really intelligent Shakuni , planned death of Pandavas which was going to happen in the wax castle , where a servant of shakuni requested Pandavas to stay. But as the castle was made up of wax, shakuni and his goons put fire on it, causing the palace to totally burn down. And now whole aryavart is thinking that they died. But my great friend Madhav thinks that they are alive.
Interesting story.
Madhav also told us that , in relation Pandavas are brothers to him because Maharani Kunti is his buashri.
He also told us about his family. How he has a big brother Rajkumar Balram and younger sister Rajkumari Subhadra. He also told that his brother always give him lecture about dont do this, dont do that. I am quite impressed with Rajkumar Balraam because he can give lecture to the one who gives lecture to everyone. He also told us about a girl named Radha whom he loves so much in his teenage years and still now. Then when I asked him why didnt he married her , he simply said " There is a reason for everything happening on this earth". Damn , he is so confusing.