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Vasudev Krishna left , leaving me and rajkumari dumbfounded.
But suddenly Rajkumari started running towards the castle.
" Rajkumari what are you doing?" I yelled running behind her. But she ignored me. As my runnig was much faster than her , I caught her and grabbed her arm to stop her. She gave to deathly glare and yanked her hand away from my grip harshly.
" Dont dare to touch me again you foolish girl! " Rajkumari Draupadi spat and sprinted away.
I was shocked and hurt at same time.
How dare she?
If she is a princess then I am also a CEO of very famous company which is not less than any princess position.
If she dont want to talk to me then fine , but now I have to go behind her because I dont know want that krishna will do to this kingdom.
I rushed towards the castle.
As I entered I saw rajkumari standing infront of her father in protective manner , a deadly weapon was coming towards her with high speed which was fired by Vasudev , who was standing on his charriot smiling to himself. He caught my eye and raised his eyebrows still smiling. I ignored him and ran towards rajkumari and maharaj to protect them.
But when I was about to stand infront of draupadi to protect her, the weapon stopped inches away from her face . Everyone there was shocked.
Then I remembered that Rajkumari dont want to see my face . As everyone was busy staring Vasudev's face I took my leave from there and went back to the cliff where we were some time ago. I sat on one of the rocks , and looked around at nature which was reflecting refreshment.

Krishna's POV

I saw Gargee taking her leave silently without being noticed.
Of course I know who is she , and I am the one who every incident which brought her here.
She will be a really great warrior and will help me establish Dharma with Arjun and Draupadi.
As for now I have to do something of these shocked faces standing over here.
" Maharaj Dhrupad, girls are of no use , is it?
Now who is the one who ran for saving your life without caring for her own? Is it your son who saved you?" I  asked him raising a brow.
Maybe Draupadi understood where this conversation is going , so she also ran away.
Meanwhile Dhrupad stood on his feet.
" Hey Vasudev Krishna , forgive me. I did biggest mistake in my life to insult my daughters.
Now, I will gladly accept Draupadi as my daughter and also treat Shikhandi  with respect she deserved" Dhrupad said with his palms joined, pleading.
I smiled.
" It is good to know that you accept your mistake , so now I have a surprise for you" I said and he looked at me in confusion.
The Big gate of the castle opened and revealed Guru Dronacharya whom I called here. He greeted me and went towards dhrupad and hugged him. Dhrupad was shocked.
" It is always better to accept friendship than killing each other Maharaj . And you two are already childhood friends." I said.
Dhrupad immediately agreed and hugged him.
He invited dronacharya into his castle. They started walking towards it but maharaj stopped and turned towards Shikhandi.
" Shikhandi find where did Draupadi went and bring her back before its too late." Maharaj said. I smiled that I changed his thinking way.
" As you wish Pitashri" Shikhandi bowed.
" And also find that arrogant girl who insulted me , she will get dangerous punishment" Dhrupad added angrily.
Oh my goodness, Gargee is some another level girl. She directly insulted a king on his face!!!
I am impressed . But the anger she contains within herself needs to be destroyed before it destroys her.
" Ok pitashri ", Shikhandi said hesistantly.
Maharaj , Rajkumar and Guru Dronacharya went inside the castle.
Shikhandi turned around ready to find two girls.
I approached her.
" Rajkumari Shikhandi, I will also come with you to find both of them " I said and she nodded.
I told her where both of them can be and we made our way to find them

Gargee's POV
As I was sitting on the rock staring into nothing, I heard a twig break. I swiftly turned my head and saw Rajkumari Draupadi.
We did an eye contact for a second before she turned away from me and sat on one of the rocks which is far away from me.
It really hurts to get ignored . But now what I will do ? I dont think rajkumari will allow me back in the castle. Did the war take place? Where is Krishna?

I was snapped out of my thought from a voice , which belonged to Rajkumari Shikhandi, but it came from a bit far away from me.
" DRAUPADI!!" Rajkumari called.
I immediately got up and hide behind a tree to make sure that no one can see me.
But before Shikhandi could reach approach Draupadi , I saw a tall figure running towards draupadi and fell on his knees before her causing draupadi to jump a little.
He was Vasudev. What this weirdo is doing here again?
" Rajkumari Draupadi, please tell what magic did you use to stop my weapon because it never stops once it is launched untill it kills the person"  Vasudev asked draupadi dramatically still on his knees. Never in my life I saw such a drama queen
" I dont know" Rajkumari said simply and turned away from him.
Vasudev furrowed his eyebrows for a second before curling his lips into an evil grin. This cant be right.
He got up and dashed towards the edge of the cliff.
" Rajkumari! If you dont tell the name of magic you used then I will jump from the cliff and you will be reason of my death" Vasudev said seriously but I know he was faking it. I also know that he himself was the one to stop that weapon . Why rajkumari draupadi is not using her common sense.
I saw that Rajkumari Shikhandi was also watching the live show with interest.
I saw Vasudev 's lips curled into a smile. He turned back and faced draupadi.
" That means you used magic of 'love" He said and draupadi furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
I face palmed myself. Oh god he is clearly flirting with rajkumari and rajkumari was standing there oblivious to everything.
Now Vasudev started enlightening draupadi with his knowledge of love. He also explained how every creature on this earth is born to achieve his/her final destiny.
I saw Rajkumari Shikhandi sit on the rock ,on which Draupadi was sitting before . Shikhandi was yawning , maybe she got bored from the enlightment session like me.
" Who you really are?" I heard Draupadi ask Vasudev. He chuckled.
" I told you before that I am Vasudev Krishna but I have many names like Kanha, Madhav, Govind and many more. But my friends call me Govind or Madhav . You can call me anything you want."
" Okay, so I will call you Govind. Now we are friends, right?" Draupadi asked. Vasudev nodded grinning.
Great this creep managed to become friends with princess!
" Now if your conversation is done , come on , pitashri wants you back" Shikhandi said and draupadi nodded. She didnt even realised that I am missing.
I saw Vasudev rotating his head around the place , searching for something.
" Panchali! where is our attitude girl Gargee?" Vasudev asked causing Draupadi to turn around and look for me.
Wow, this Vasudev remembered my name!
" She was sitting on tha rock sometime ago but now I dont know where she went and I dont care" She said. Ouch that hurts.
" Why isnt she your friend?" Vasudev asked.
" Maybe she was , but now she is not because she insulted pitashri " She said.
" Draupadi , you know , Pitashri ordered me to find her because he wants to give her severe punishment, maybe he can sentence her to death" Shikhandi said.
" WHAT?" Draupadi shrieked in horror.
My breath hitched . I dont want to die this early.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now