Why do you care, Mamashri?

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[A/N] Thank you so much for 1K+ reads. As this is my first book, I am glad to know that you are liking it.


We told everyone about pitamah's invitation. They were happy especially Mata Kunti , that Pitamah accepted Draupadi as Kulvadhu.

It was almost time and we were running late.
All of us entered into the hall were dinner has to be served. We saw Maharaj, Maharani,Pitamah, Kakashri, Mamashri,Angraj and all the hundred Kauravas all were sitting on the ground on what seem to be small couch.Infront of every couch was a small table , probably for keeping plate.
As we entered , Pitamah's and Kakashri's eyes lit up, others didnt see us because they were so busy in discussing matters around the 'world'.

" Welcome!!" Pitamah and Kakashri beamed gaining attention of everyone. All the kauravas, mamashri and even angraj scowled. I flashed all of them dirty look but pandavas , draupadi and mata ignored.

" Pranipat Pitamah and Kakashri" All of us said in unison joining our hands together.
" What are these Adharmis doing here?" Duryodhan spat in disgust.
Again Pandavas ignored but I didnt.
" Watch out , what you are saying Yuvraj. We are invited by Pitamah and he didnt think Pandavas and Draupadi as Adharmis , so keep your remark in your pocket" I retorted. Draupadi nudged harshly in my ribs and gave me dangerous look saying,
' What the hell do you think you are doing?'.
I looked at everyone. Pandavas widened their eye in fear, Pitamah and Kakashri looked at me in astonishment and Kauravas gave me death glare and Duryodhan was fighting his urge to kill me.
I turned towards Pitamah.
" I am extremely sorry for my outburst Pitamah" I apologised looking at the floor due to embarrassment.
" Apology accepted" Pitamah said stifling his laughter at my outburst.

" Who is this arrogant girl Tatshri . Who's voice is it?" Maharaj asked with look of disgust on his face.
" She is Kulvadhu Draupadi's sister, Rajkumari Gargee, Maharaj" Pitamah introduced me.
Maharaj made a cranky face.
" Pranipat Maharaj, and I am not arrogant. I was just returning Yuvraj his arrogant tone" I said while looking devilishly at Duryodhan.
Maharaj was about to say something but Kakashri cut him.
" Enough now!! All of you take your seats." He ordered.
We took our seats. The order being Maharaj being at front in middle of two lines.
On either side of two were Pitamah and Kakashri.
Beside Pitamah was Mata Kunti and infront of her and beside Kakashri was Maharani.
Beside Mata Kunti was Bhrata Yudhistir,Draupadi, Bhrata Bhim, Bhrata Arjun, Bhrata Sahedev, Bhrata Nakul and at last me. All of us were sitting in above mentioned order.
Exactly infront of Bhrata Yudhistir and beside Maharani , sat Duryodhan.
beside him and infront of Draupadi were Mamashri Shakuni, beside him and infront of Bhrata bhim, was Dushasan, beside him and infront of Bhrata Arjun ,was Angraj , beside Angraj and infront of Bhrata Sahedev, Bhrata Nakul and me were some random Kauravas whose name I dont know and niether interested to know.

Dinner didn't arrive till now. All were sitting in dangerous silence. The tension in the room was so thick that sword also could not cut it.
Kauravas and Pandavas were intensely glaring at each other. Most dangerous rivalry being between Duryodhan and Bhrata Bhim , and between Angraj and Bhrata Arjun.
Though it might seem dangerous but I trying so hard stifle my laugh by just staring down at my lap and not looking at the glaring brothers.
Why no one is talking ?
If I laugh then I think I will be kicked out of Hastinapur.
Control Gargee ! Dont laugh.

I took the glass of water placed infront of my table and started drinking it. From the corner of my eye , I saw Mamashri Shakuni studying my every move.
God, now what does he want?
I think he is making the plan to kill me for giving brash reply to his nephew Duryodhan.
I decided to ignore his stare.
" Rajkumari Gargee!" Mamashri suddenly called causing every single person in the hall to look at me.
I turned my gaze towards him, not caring to stop drinking water.

" Rajkumari dont you want toget married?" Mamashri blurted out.
I chocked out the water and started coughing hastily. Bhrata Nakul , who was sitting beside me , patted my back .
Kauravas and Mamashri gave me disgusting look for choking out water.
"WHAT?!!" I asked mamashri , furrowing my brow.
" I asked, dont you want to get married?" Mamashri repeated . I looked at Mata Kunti, Draupadi and Pandavas, they were gave me, ' We dont know what's happening' look.

" Why do you care , mamashri?" I asked him curiously.
" Umm... I was just asking out of curiosity. So now can you tell me answer"He said . All were looking at me curiously , to hear my reply.

" So my answer is, NO , I dont want to get married." I said flatly.
I cant get married in this era. I am time traveller!
And also , I promised Maharaj Dhrupad that I will protect his daughter , so it is another reason.
And also , I didnt find anyone whom I love.

"And why is that?" Mamashri asked being nosey.
" Its none of your business mamashri" I snapped , giving him death glare. He pressed his lips together forming a line and became silent. I smirked at him.

" Gandhar raj , its her choice, whether she wanted to get married" Kakashri started, " So you can keep your nose out of others business" Pitamah finished.
I gave both of them thankful look and mamashri gave them dirty look , which they ignored.

I felt someone staring at me. I turned my head around the hall to look who he or she was.
I saw it was Angraj.
I raised my eyebrows at him. He saw that , I saw him looking at me.
He smiled at me and turned his head away.
I think Angraj is also getting mental by roaming with Duryodhan.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now