Almost died

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[A/N] This chapter cobtains , self harm , blood and killing scenes . So if you are uncomfortable with it , you can skip this chapter

Gargee's POV

Thank god Angraj reminded me about Draupadi and Pandavas.
I came running all through the hallways from the garden. Atlast I successfully arrived in my room, but due to carelessness I tripped causing me to fall on my knees. I groaned.
I looked around my room and fortunately no one was there.
" Yes I did it!!" I jumped in happiness.

" Can you enlighten us , which task you accomplished?" A voice said coldly from behind. I know whose voice it was.
Damn, Again another trouble!
I gulped and slowly turned around to see Draupadi, Pandavas and Mata Kunti were leaning on the walls of the room with their hands crossed.
I grinned sheepishly.
" N-Nothing, I-I was just playing a game, in which I have to hold my breath for 10 minutes and I successfully did it!" I said lying smoothly.
" Oh really?" Mata Kunti asked raising her brow.
" Y-Yes dont you all have faith on me?" I asked.
" No!" All of them said flatly in unison. My jaw dropped in disbelief.
" Great then dont believe" I said with scowl.
" Where were you Gargee?" Bhrata Yudhistir asked cocking his brow .
" I was just enjoying my freedom " I said sarcastically.
" Where?" Draupadi asked coldly.
" In palace's garden." I said.
" WHAT!!" Bhrata Nakul and Sahedev yelled in horror causing me to jump.
" Jeez,  Calm down Bhrata shri's , its just a Garden" I said laughing.
" Gargee , just dont tell me that you took mangoes from there" Bhrata Bhim said.
" Oh no! I plucked them but I forgot to bring. But you dont worry Bhrata Bhim , there are lots of trees, you can eat as many mangoes you want" I said  grinning. He slapped his hand to his forehead.
" Gargee! When we were kids, due to those mangoes , Bhrata Bhim and Duryodhan had a very dangerous fight. That's why stay away from that garden" Bhrata Arjun explained.
I can go wherever I want and I am not your prisoner , so leave me alone,  or I will die of suffocation"  I said in frustating tone.
" But Putri Gargee , we are doing this for your own safety. You dont know how dangerous Duryodhan and Gandhar raj is! If once they start considering you your enemy ,they will not leave a chance to kill or humiliate you"  Mata Kunti said calmly.
" But Mata , I am not scared of that Duryodhan or mamashri , so I dont need any protection" I retorted.
All of them sighed in unison.
"  Okay then, just promise me that you will ignore Kauravas, mamashri or Angraj as much as possible and will not get into stupid fight with Yuvraj" Draupadi said.
I thought for a while.
But how can I live without getting into fight or throwing snarky comments at them.
I huffed in annoyance.
" Ok I promise" I said in irritated voice.


Few days passed away. I still kept my promise. Whenever Duryodhan, mamashri or Angraj used to say something, whether it be good or bad , I just used to ignore them.
Dushala became my very good friend. I cant even imagine , a person like Duryodhan have such a lovely sister.
Dushala was really nice , but her husband was really weird. I didnt even talk to him because he was giving me very negative vibes. Many times caught him staring at me with some expression which I cant understand what to call it.

It was evening . I was taking walk in empty hallways of castle. I forgot to bring my sword or Dhanush but its not a big deal.
I came to halt at one of the windows and looked into the sky. The moon was glistening. Just the light of moon falling on my face gave me feeling of coolness. Though I admire sun because for me sun is epitome of power , but moon, moon is the most beautiful object in whole universe which reflects peace.

I was admiring the moon, but suddenly someone's arms snaked around my waist.
My eyes widened because as far as I know , no one has ever done such thing to me.
I slowly turned my head at saw , it was Dushala's husband. My eyes widened in horror.
" YOU BLOODY GIT, REMOVE YOUR FILTHY HANDS OF ME.!!" I yelled at top of my lungs while trying to free myself from his grip.
" Not so easily Rajkumari! He exclaimed seductively and tightened his grip around my waist and started dragging me somewhere.
I panicked.
" YOU FOUL COCKROACH,  LET GO OR I WILL KILL YOU"  I yelled , struggling to get free.
" You can try Rajkumari, but nothing will happen, and no one will come to save you" That Bastard said and laughed evilly.
Now its enough. I could feel my blood boil so much that if suddenly steam started flowing through my ears , then I will not be surprised.
I elbowed him harshly in his stomach , causing his grip to loosen a bit.
This is my chance!
I quickly removed his filthy hands off me. I jumped high in the air and kicked in middle of his face with my both legs.
He fell flat on the gound and a loud groan escape his lips.
I smirked at him and placed my leg on  side of his face , literally crushing him under my foot.
" I told you idiot that do not mess with me" I said coldly still crushing him with my feet.
" You, filthy cockroach, dont you have any shame! How dare you touch any other woman even though you are married." I spat in disgust.
" F-Forgive m-me R-Rajkumari" He whinned under my foot.
I laughed .
" Forget about me, think about your wife. Her heart will break , when she will come to know , how much dirty her husband is!" I hissed.
" And also , My heart is not as big as Draupadi or Bhrata Yudhistir or Mata Kunti that I will leave a criminal without paying for his sins" I said with my jaw clenched. He was still whimpering under my foot . I put more pressure on his face , causing him to shout in pain.
I smirked.
" You said right, no one will come to save you" I said and grinned evilly at him. He was horrified.
" You have messed with wrong person Sindhu bastard. " I said while removing my feet off him. He felt s bit relieved but , as fast as speed of light I kneeled down and started punching his face untill blood started flowing from his nose.
But suddenly , I felt sharp pain in my stomach causing me to stop punching him and yell in pain.
He took the chance and immediately got up. I looked down at my abdominal region and my eyes widened because that bastard had stabbed me with knife.
" How was it rajkumari? Now , you will die out of pain here , because I dont think anyone will come here to rescue you , and seeing that the wound are deep I dont think you will able to even stand" He said laughing.
" See you on your death bed Rajkumari ,  till then enjoy the blood" He said and ran away.
The pain was getting really worst. This was the first time anyone stabbed me , that's why I felt so weak. I tried to stand , but failed. Blood was incessantly flowing. I felt very dizzy. My vision was getting blur and soon everything went black.

Angraj's POV

I was walking towards Duryodhan's room. The hallways were empty and silent . But suddenly , I heard some footsteps and saw a silhouette which was coming nearer. As that person passed the window , moonlight flashed on his face, making him visible. It was Sindhuraj.He looked happy as well as scared.
What is he doing here at night ?

As he came nearer , he saw me looking at him suspiciously. He visibly gulped.
" P-Pranipaat Angraj" He said.
" What are you doing here Sindhuraj?" I asked him narrowing my eyes.
" N-Nothing , I was j-just taking walk round the castle. Now, I will go " He said and stormed away before I could ask him anything.
Hmm ... Something is fishy. He was behaving weirdly.

Instead of going to Duryodhan's room , I started to walk on the way from which sindhuraj just came.
I looked around while walking to see, if something seems suspicious.

I suddenly came to halt and a shiver ran through my spine when I saw Rajkumari Gargee , lying on ground with all her clothes full of blood and a knife stabbed in her abdomen.
" RAJKUMARI GARGEE!!" I yelled in horror and ran towards her. I kneeled down and started to shake her.
" Rajkumari what happened?
Rajkumari wake up !!" I yelled panicking and with my voice cracking.
Is she alive?
I checked her pulse and fortunately it was was there.
Thank you so much God!!
I carefully removed the knife from her stomach. The wound was really deep.
If I didn't do something fast , she will surely die.

I lift her up and started carrying her in bridal style.
Where should I take her?
Yes, Rani Kunti's room will be perfect.

I dashed towards her room as fast as possible and kicked the door open, revealing Rani Kunti as well as Pandavas and Rajkumari Draupadi. They swiftly turned their heads towards me. Their eyes widened in horror when they saw Rajkumari Gargee in my hands.
" GARGEE!!" They all yelled in unison and ran towards me.
" I will explain you all everything as much as I saw , but firstly let me place her on the bed" I said immediately because Pandavas were giving me death glare, as if I was the one who tried to kill Rajkumari.

I placed her on the bed carefully.
" Someone go and call Vaidji" Rani Kunti ordered panicking.
" But Mata , at this time Vaid is not present in castle" Yudhistir said.
" But, we have to do something quickly, otherwise my sister will die!" Draupadi said with tears in her eyes.
" Yes Rani Kunti, the wound is very deep and she has already lost lots of blood . We have to do something!" I said panicking.
" Mata we will treat her!" Nakul and Sahedev said in unison.
" Oh yes! I completely forgot that you both are well versed in medicine" Rani Kunti said with a bit relief.
" Now all of you except, Draupadi, Nakula and Sahedev, go out" Rani Kunti ordered.
I , Yudhistir, Bhim and Arjun came out of the room and Rani Kunti closed the door.

" Now Angraj , explain us everything you saw" Arjun said with cold voice but pleading tone.


Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now