Gargee, is a very intelligent, beautiful and a sassy attitude type of girl. She has a weird kind of love for ancient weapons especially Bow and arrow( Dhanush ban). She has great love for music, art and dance . In simple words she is an allrounder...
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He mounted off from his chariot and made his way towards Arya Arjun and placed his hand on Arya's shoulder encouragingly before turning his gaze towards Indradev
" Indradev , please respect your son's abilities. His abilities have given you more respect " Govind said politely while joining hands infront of Devraj. Devraj looked at Govind with cold expression then disappeared from the clouds and appeared on ground infront of us.
" Vasudev , I have promised Takshak to provide him protection. And how can someone be called a 'son' if he couldn't respect his father's words " Devraj said in not so friendly tone.
"OH , then in that way Arjun also promised his people to provide them protection . So Arjun also cant break his promise" Madhav said knowdgebly.
" Okay , so if father's and son's promises contradict in someway then whose promise should be given more importance?" Devraj asked to Govind.
"Both have equal importance. It similar to the situation, when father's success gives son a lesson and son's success give father respect. So it will be right if you help Arjun in getting success. " Govind enlightened.
Devraj looked at Arya Arjun with stern expression. " You came here to get my help Arjun? Don't you know that help can't be seeked by pointing arrows at the person from you want the help" Indradev said coldly.
"Devraj Indra , I was just presenting my skills to impress you " Arya Arjun said with a smile.
"But you can't deny that you launched your arrows in my direction!" Indradev said sternly.
Arya Arjun went closer to Devraj and kneeled down infront of him and joined his Hands.
"But Bhagwan your presence is everywhere , in every direction. Then in which direction would I shoot my arrow to impress you " Arya Arjun said , trying to impress Devraj. I looked at Govind and saw his eyebrows were raised and he was smirking in Arya's direction, impressed by Arya's attempt to flatter Devraj. Fortunately, a smile etched on Devraj 's lips and he looked really impressed by his son.
"What help do you want Arjun?" Devraj asked him smiling. All our faces started glowing due to happiness .
" Before listening to what I need, I want you to hear my resolution. " Arya started. " We will always snakes species and also give then equal chance to develop with us. The kingdom which we will create will be known by your name . Our magnificent kingdom will be known as INDRAPRASTHA " Arya Arjun announced. By listening to his resolution , we all including Devraj have proud smile on our faces.
" I am really impressed by you Arjun and I will immediately inform Vishwakarma to create your kingdom" Devraj said smiling.
" Thank you so much for your help Bhagwan " Arya said joining his hands. Devraj smiled and vanished with a sound of thunderbolt.