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Gargee's POV

I told my plan to Karn and Vrushali and they agreed to help me.
Now we again started walking, this time Me and Vrushali were walking side by side and Karn was close behind us.

Suddenly , a mischievous thought came in my mind .
I know Vrushali likes Karn , so how about getting them together!!

I looked at Vrushali who was walking beside me and gave her a evil smirk , her eyes widened and she give a look saying , 'Don't dare you try to do any stupid prank on me '. But I ignored her and looked back at Karn who was behind us, walking while looking at the ground.

I smirked at Vrushali for a last time and pushed her back such that she can fall .
Vrushali shrieked and closed her eyes shut, but before she could bang her head on ground ,as I expected, Karn saved her by grabbing her by ber waist in his one arm because in other he was holding his Dhanush.
I smirked victoriously at the scene infront of me.
Yes!! My plan got accomplished!!

Vrushali slowly opened her eyes to see Karn hovering over her.

Vrushali's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see who saved me , and I saw Karn looking down at me and he was holding me by my waist.

He was looking directly into my eyes . I could feel my cheeks heat up and turn red.
I am going to kill Gargee for trapping me such a awkward situation.

I broke eye contact with Karn and looked at Gargee from the corner of my eye and gave her a death glare . But she smirked devilishly and winked at me causing me to roll my eyes.

Karn's POV

I helped Vrushali stand back on her feet .
It's really awkward.

I looked at Gargee, who was enjoying the scene with a ludicrous smirk on her face . I saw her wink at Vrushali.
That means Vrushali didn't fall on her own , Gargee was the one to push her purposefully.
That evil girl!!
But why she did that ?

Gargee saw me looking at her . I gave her the most intense death glare and she made most innocent face , as if she a Saint who can't do such things.

" You did that , don't you?" I asked Gargee in disbelief while stern look on my face and Vrushali glared at her.

" Radheya,  do you think , such an innocent girl like me can push Vrushali!!" She said innocence reflecting on her face. Vrushali huffed but couldn't fight a grin forming on her face. I was also trying to look stern but couldn't help and smiled at her fake look of innocence.
This girl never fails to bring smile on everyone's face !!

" OK now let's go fast , aren't you excited for your act ?" I asked a raising my brow.

" OH yes , let's go!!" Gargee said excitedly and started walking faster causing me and Vrushali to run behind her.


At Indraprastha ( Krishna's POV)

Maharaj Yudhistir and Maharani Draupadi were sitting on on their throne and other pandavas and me , we were sitting on ministers chairs. We just finished discussing on political matters of the Kingdom and now we are sitting in silence.

" If till tomorrow, Gargee didn't came back , then we have to inform Mata Kunti about her being dead!!" Maharaj suddenly said. All of us nodded.

Oh Gargee! Please come back fast , everything is serious here without you and I don't like such a tense environment.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now