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As soon as we entered Dwarka , a wave of happiness ran through my spine. Dwarka looked really beautiful and naturally mesmerizing. As soon as I saw it , only one thought came to my mind.
Dwarka was giving me really happy and positive vibes which Hastinapur or Panchal failed to give.

As we entered Dwarka, we were welcomed my Maharaj and Maharani.
" Pranipat! I am Maharaj Vasudev" Maharj introduced.
" And I am Maharani Devki" Maharani added smiling brightly.
From their faces they seem lovely people.
I think all lovely faced people gathered and made a kingdom named Dwarka.

" Pranipaat Maharaj and Maharani , its good to see you again" Bhrata Arjun greeted and touched their feet.

" Its really nice to see you again Putra Arjun. We all were horrified when we heard the news that Kunti and Pandavas and are dead" Maharaj said.

"But our Kanha was having full confidence , that Pandavas are alive and yes he was right" Maharani said grinning.
Bhrata Arjun looked at Madhav who was standing beside Rajkumar Balram as if he is the only one in whole universe who have manners to stand properly.
Of course showing modesty infront of his parents.

"Rajkumar Parth now stop acting like gentleman and let my parents meet other two people who are with you." Madhav said sarcastically. Bhrata Arjun gave him dirty look. Maharaj , Maharani , Rajkumar Balram laughed and Subhadra and Devi Rukmini started giggling. But I gave Madhav a boring look at which he rolled his eyes and Angraj , as always he kept stern look on his face.

" And who are you young man?" Maharaj asked turning to Angraj.
" Pranipat! Maharaj and Maharani. I am Angraj Karn and its my honour to meet you" Angraj said greeting.
" Woah...Angraj Karn and Rajkumar Arjun , two great warriors came together to Dwarka!" Maharaj said in excitement as well as amusement.
" Our kingdom is blessed by both of your presence" Maharani said dramatically. I mentally rolled my eyes. Madhav snorted. Angraj and Bhrata Arjun gave each other death glares.

" So why you both suddenly came to Dwarka?
How can we help you?" Maharaj asked raising his brow at Angraj and Bhrata Arjun.
Wow! I think I am invisible.
" Do you really want to know reason Maharaj?" Rajkumar Balram asked smirking at me and Maharaj nodded.

" Actually, Pitashri and Mata , both of them came here , following a dangerous girl who escaped from hastinapur's prison." Madhav said sarcastically eyeing me.
Bhrata Arjun, Rajkumar Balraam , Subhadra , Devi Rukmini and even Angraj also started laughing .
I clenched my fist to stop my urge to punch Madhav , who was now laughing at me.

" Oh ! So this is the girl who escaped from a prison " Maharani came near be and said in serious tone.
Great! They are believing what their son said. Of course they will believe.

" I am sorry Maharani and Maharaj.
First of all I am not a prisoner but yes my sister and her husbands keep me as if I am prisoner.
Second of all , coming here was just an accident , I didnt mean to come here. I was just on a mission to Sindhu Kingdom.
Third of all , sorry to say but your sons and daughters kidnapped me and that Rajkumar Arjun and Angraj let them do it.
Fourth of all,  yes I am not from a royal family but I dont give a damn about it.
Fifth of all my name is Gargee and sorry to disturb you , I will just leave." I said with stern expression . All of them were standing there with their eyes wide.
I took a sharp turn dramatically and started walking back towards my horse.

"RAJKUMARI GARGEE ! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?" Maharaj said from behind with loud voice, turned around and saw Maharaj and Maharani smiling at me.
Did he just call me Rajkumari?

" Hastinapur! Back to my sister" I said coldly , as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
" No you are not going , because we will not let you go like that!
And yes , we were just acting to be serious." Maharani said smiling.
" So you knew, who I was from before?" I asked her with confusion written all over my face.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now