Rajkumari Draupadi

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I opened my eyes slowly. Rays of sun were falling on my eyes. When I fully opened my eyes, my jaw dropped because I was in huge room ,  sleeping on huge bed. By appearance it seemed to be a room in a palace.

' I am definately in some palace

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' I am definately in some palace. I think time machine went wrong and I got thrown into ancient time. But which era it is?" I thought to myself.
My head was hurting like a hell.
I looked around to see if some one is there in this room.
I saw some girl, no sorry princess was sitting infront of a huge mirror, and some women , I think her servants were styling her hair. None of them saw that woke up. Does this princess brought me here? But why?
I was not able to see face of the princess because she was facing mirror. She was wearing a beautiful red saree , in some different fashion , but it looked royal.
I looked at my attire, it was all messed . I was wearing formal attire

 I was wearing formal attire

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           Gargee's dress

My blazer was torn off and was very dirty right now. I toughed my head and realised some kind bandage was tied to my head.
I was curious to see the princess who saved me.
I scooted to the edge of bed and leaned to my side to see the face of the princess, but I was not able to see.
" You are very beautiful Rajkumari" One of the her maids complemented her.
" Of course she is, didnt you heard what Agnidev said , that she is most beautiful whole world" Another maid said.
" You know devika, I dont admire outer beauty. One who has a heart of gold is most beautiful person for me" Rajkumari said. I was impressed.
She seems very kind I thought.
" You are very kind Rajkumari" Devika said grinning.
Meanwhile as I was leaning to see rajkumari , I accidently knocked the flower vase gaining attention of the rajkumari and her two maids.
" Oops" I muttered under my breath while looking at the broken vase.
" Wow, you woke up!!"  Someone said behind me. I turned around and my jaw dropped by the view of princess herself standing infront of me. I never seen such a beautiful woman in my whole life.

I was staring at her , still my mouth half open

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I was staring at her , still my mouth half open.
She gently put her hand on my chin , and pulled it upwards thus closing my mouth.
" You should keep your mouth close, otherwise mosquito will go in it" She said sarcastically while giggling. Her maids chuckled.
" Y-yy- , I mean Yes , Y-you are very g-gorgeous" I shuttered and nervously rubbing the back of my neck.
" Thanks, and you are cute" she said pinching my cheeks. My cheeks turned red, because it was first time I was this much shy.
" So, who are you? Your clothes are weird , I dont think anyone in this world wear that kind of clothes" She asked politely sitting on the bed.
" I dont think you will understand any of the things I will say but yes I came from future. I came in this time accidently because the time machine made by our company failed" I tried to explain her , but I know she will not understand anything.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Of course she didnt understand a single word. Great! Now she will think I am some kind of psycopath.
" Sorry, but I cant get a single word you said " She said grinning sheepishly.
" I know, its really complicated to explain. But you just consider that I am lost , and I am stuck here untill someone come to take me, which is practically impossible" I explained. She hummed.
" Nevermind, you can live here for as much time as you want. " She said. I gave her a bright smile. How can someone be this kind.
" So , what is your name" She asked.
" My name is Gargee" I said smiling.
" Woah, cute name for a cute girl" She said grinning. I gave her a small crooked smile because this is first time ever I have been called cute by someone.
" What is your name Rajkumari?" I asked curiously.
" I am Rajkumari Draupadi . But some call me Panchali because I am princess of panchal kingdom and I am also called Yagyaseni because I was emerged from fire yesterday" She said proudly.
Oh, draupadi! I think I am very much familiar with this name but I cant remember where I heard it. Damnit ,I think I have lost certain parts of my memory.
Wait! she said she emerged from fire ,that too yesterday, but how is it possible
I looked at her with confusion written all over my face.
I think she realised why I was so confused.
" I know what you are thinking but it is true that I am born from fire. Yesterday , Maharaj Dhrupad , who is now my father , requested for a boon from agnidev , so agnidev presented him with me and my brother Dhristdyumn , who is also born yesterday from fire before me" She explained.
Why this story seems very much familiar?
Its like I know her very closely but at the same time she is complete stranger for me.
" So I am in Panchal kingdom?" I asked and she nodded in agreement.
" Why did you saved a stranger like me. Didnt you thought that I can be some criminal or something that could kill you" I asked her curiously.
She laughed.
" I dont know Gargee, but by your face and the situation in which you were , my inner voice told me to help you. My guards were not happy about it but I assured them that you will be no harm to us" She said smiling.
My heart melted at her kindness.
" Thank you so much for helping me Rajkumari, you are not only beautiful but also very kind" I said with thankful look on my face.
" Gargee , you can call me Draupadi because I want you to be my friends because I dont have anyone except my sister Shikhandi because I was born yesterday" She said with hope reflecting in her voice. I thought for a second then I agreed. Her eyes lit up and she engulfed me in hug. I was shocked for a second but hugged her back.
" Rajkumari.., Oh sorry , Draupadi my clothes are really dirty , you are hugging me but your saree will get dirty" I said . She hit my hand playfully.
" I dont care" She said simply.
"  So where is Princess Shikhandi ?" I asked her curiously .
" Is anyone calling me?" A voice spoke from the door of the room.

[A/N] Just imagine , all these conversations happening in Sanskrit or hindi. Again Thanks for reading!

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