Kauvaras and Pandavas have a sister!!

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Almost a week passed away. That was the only night we were invited for dinner.
As per Bhrata Yudhistir , all the people in castle gather for a meal together very rarely. Most of the times , all of them eat their meals in their rooms.

There was still the debate going on about , who should be the next king of Hastinapur. As per law , Bhrata Yudhistir being the eldest must be crowned as King. But due to Varnavarta incident, all thought Pandavas to be dead , so Duryodhan became Yuvraj, so now he now Duryodhan, Mamashri and Maharaj claims that , the one who is Yuvraj must become the future King.
As Madhav told me, whole Varnavart incident was a plan of mamashri. He knew , if Bhrata Yudhistir is alive , Duryodhan would never get throne. So he planned to kill Pandavas.
Mamashri is just an emotionless creature! , Who dont know how to use his brain.

In my opinion, one who is most capable should become King. And I think Bhrata Yudhistir is most capable.
That guy never told a lie in his hole life!!
Talking about me , I dont even remember how many lies I have told till now.

After that dinner incident , when Pitamah yelled at me for using brash language against Duryodhan, I was always surrounded by one of the Pandavas or Draupadi or Mata Kunti , because I should not go messing around with, Duryodhan, Mamashri or Angraj.
Whenever , we used to cross path with , Duryodhan,Mamashri or Angraj, the person with whom I was roaming used to drag me along some other path so that so that I dont start bickering with three of them.

This was really suffocating. It was like my freedom of roaming where I want was snatched away from me and this was all happening due to my lovely sister Draupadi , who was being overprotective.
Infact , I should be the one to protect her but here all opposite was happening.

Everything was getting really annoying as well as boring.
It was enough. One afternoon , I sneak away cautiously from my room so that , Pandavas or Draupadi or Mata couldn't catch me.
I was successful.
Finally after so many days , I am walking in the hallways without anyone guarding around me. I was feeling free but still there was a fear of Pandavas could find me roaming like this. But I dont care.
The hallways of the castle were silent. Only noise was of breeze flowing softly. The environment was really calm.
After some time I decided to go outside the castle in garden which was inside the area of palace.
This was the first time I will be going there.
As soon as I entered the garden , my jaw dropped in awe. It was really beautiful. There were many fountains , trees bearing fruits and flowers also some show trees.

 There were many fountains , trees bearing fruits and flowers also some show trees

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