Five suspicious Brahmins

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Days passed away quickly and today was the day before swayamvar.
Madhav had taught me and draupadi how to use every weapon in past few days. But draupadi didnt took much interest in it. But I learnt how to use each and every weapon and I almost became perfect in archery and sword fighting. Madhav said I am really fast learner. I think he himself is very good warrior.
Now as it was day before swayamvar. Me and Madhav were taking round around streets of kingdom to see if everything is going ok. Draupadi went to Shiv Mandir with her dasis and Shikhandi. In past few days me, Madhav and Draupadi became best friends.
Now we were walking on the common street and greeted my many people. Actually Madhav was greeted. Because, Maharaj will announce me as Rajkumari tomorrow in Draupadi's swayamvar, so till now no one knows me.
" Madhav, Pandavas are children of which Gods?" I asked Madhav curiously , still walking side by side with him.
" Rajkumar Yudhistir is son of Yamaraj , Rajkumar Bhim is son of Vayudev, Rajkumar Arjun is son of Devraj Indra, Rajkumar Nakul and Sahedev are sons of Ashwini kumars" He said. I hummed.
" I must inte-" I started but was cutoff by someone bumping into my arm harshly. I groaned causing Madhav to look at me.
" Watch where are you going." I spat in rage.
" Manners Gargee" Madhav snapped eyeing me.
I saw I was bumped into a tall big , and a bit fat man , he was with four others but they were not big as him. They were five brahmins, but didnt look like brahmins.
Are they some criminals?

I narrowed my eyes at them

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I narrowed my eyes at them. I could visibly see them gulping but not due to me , but due to sight of Madhav.
" Gargee , say sorry to them" Madhav whisper yelled at me. I gave him dirty look.
" I am really sorry, I was not looking . I am sorry for yelling at you" I apologised.
" I am sorry too" That big brahmin said.
Five of them turned to Madhav.
" Pranipat Vasudev" Five of them said in unison. Madhav smirked at them causing five of them to gulp again.
Why are they feared of Madhav?
" Pranipat Devi" Five of them said to me.
"Pranipat " I replied.
" Who are you devi?" One of them asked me.
" I am sister of Vasudev" I said and Madhav raised his eyebrows at me.
" What?" I asked Madhav furrowing my brows.
" Nothing" He replied grinning.
Five of them were looking at us with confusion written all over their faces.But before anyone of them could ask more questions Madhav started.
" Pranipat, I havent seen you five in Panchal kingdom before." Madhav asked five of them smirking.
Why is he smirking?
" V-Vasudev , o-of course y-you havent seen us before, because we came to Panchal today" One of them said shuttering. Madhav was about to say something but I butted in.
" Oh , you came for watching Rajkumari's Swayamvar?" I asked curiously.
" Wow, Is Rajkumari Shikhandi getting married?" One of them asked.
I turned towards Madhav and looked at him with a look of ' These five are completely mental'. Madhav snorted.
" I think you dont know anything. So , I invite you five for seeing Rajkumari Draupadi's Swayamvar." I said, they looked confused.
" Rajkumari Draupadi is a boon given to Maharaj Dhrupad from Agnidev about a month ago and tomorrow is her swayamvar where most of the kings and princes will be coming and also all the people of panchal are invited. As you havent seen Rajkumari Draupadi , you can come there tomorrow." I explained.
" We are honoured by our invitation devi" One of them said.
" Hope to see you soon" Madhav said and we took our leave from there.

" Madhav why were they scared of you?" I asked him
" I dont know, but I think they got scared of the divine glow on my face" He joked.
" Really funny ,that I cant stop laughing" I said with sarcsm dripping from my voice.
" But there was something suspicious about them. They were brahmins but didnt look like one. What do you think?" I asked Madhav suspiciously.
" Maybe or Maybe not" Madhav said in monotone.
" Yes ofcourse, how can I forget that you cant give answer of any question straightly." I said in irritated voice.
" You are write my little sis" Madhav said pinching my cheeks and showing his teeth to me. I glared at him.

We arrived back at the castle. After a long time. Draupadi came in  smiling brightly as well as blushing .
I raised an eyebrow at her.
" Is there any good news Panchali?"Madhav asked in teasing tone.
" Today I saw a brahmin" Draupadi said dreamily and I choked the water I was drinking.
" So what? , Today I and Madhav saw five brahmins! " I exclaimed proudly.
" No Gargee, I saw a special brahmin who was giving me vibes of Rajkumar Arjun " Draupadi said.
I slapped my forehead with my hand.
" Sorry Draupadi and Madhav but I dont want to get completely mental so I am going. Bye." I said and stormed off from the room

Draupadi's POV
"I dont think Gargee believes me but Govind atleast you believe me right?" I asked him hopefully.
" Dont get hurt about Gargee's words Draupadi. She is little stubborn. But yes I believe you and I also think the person you saw is Arjun" Govind said smiling.
I smiled  brightly at him.
" But Govind for tomorrows program ,we have to teach Gargee  how to walk elegantly like princess and also how to talk to our guests" I said seriously.
" Panchali, I think there is no problem in her walking because she walks with confidence and it reflects her power. I dont think there is a need force her to walk elegantly.
But of course she need to be explained to behave politely with the guests because you know she gets angry quickly and says anything that comes in her mind".Madhav said. I chuckled and nodded.

Tomorrow will be most important day of my life. I hope,you will definately come Rajkumar Arjun.

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