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It was time for Draupadi to go with Rajkumar Arjun because Maharaj want Draupadi to know his family. So both of them were leaving and were standing to say bye to them. But little did I know that other Rajkumars present in the arena were fuming from rage that they just want a spark and they will attack the couple.
And that spark was provided by none other than Mamashri Shakuni.
" All brave kshtriyas present over here , Can you let any Brahmin to snatch Rajkumari Draupadi from you?" Shakuni started and all of us stopped in our tracks including the couple.
"NO" All of the rajkumars said in union.
" Can you let any Brahmin to underestimate your power?" Shakuni asked again.
"NO" All said.
This is not going to end well.y
" Madhav, I think today we are going to have some entertainment as well as action" I whispered to Madhav and he snorted causing mamashri to narrow eyes at him and Madhav joined his hands together to teasingly greet mamashri. Mamashri looked away.
"So all of you show to this brahmin that what is the result of underesatimating the powerful rajkumars" Shakuni said and all the rajkumars leaving Duryodhan and Angraj and ofcourse shakuni dived at Draupadi and Rajkumar Arjun.
Rajkumar Arjun shielded Draupadi while streching his hand infront of her in defencive manner. I and Shikhandi dived infront of Rajkumar Arjun and out our swords.
" TOUCH THEM AND YOU WILL NOT SEE TODAYS SUNSET" I shouted at them while defensively pulling out my sword infront of couple. All those idiots stopped in their tracks leaving Dushasan and Rukmi. Dushasan went towards Shikhandi to attack her and Rukmi stood infront of me.
" You are Devi Rukmini's Brother right?"I asked him raising a brow.
" Yes , and today you foolish rajkumari, you will get killed by my hands" Rukmi said sounding dangerous but I was trying hard to control my laughter.
" Madhav... Can I get your permission to hurt your brother-in-law"I cooed. Rukmi looked at Madhav and Madhav smirked at him.
" Of course Rajkumari Gargee, but just dont kill my lovely brother-in-law " Madhav fakely pleaded looking at Rukmi. Rukmi scoffed.
A evil grin formed on my lips.
He dashed towards me carrying his sword, as he was about to stab , I crashed my sword with his. I jumped up in the air and kicked his face hardly causing him to fall flat on the ground.
I smirked victoriously.
" Madhav , I am sorry to say but your lovely brother-in-law is really weak , in only one kick he is flat on groud" I said enough loudly that Rukmi could also hear.
Madhav laughed loudly and I chuckled.
But I saw that Dushasan was about to kill Shikhandi with his sword but before he could do it Dhristduymn poked his sword in between causing dushasan's sword to crash with it.

I ran over to the scene and kicked Dushasan on the side of his stomach and his sword fell down as he groaned in the pain. But he immediately grabbed his sword and sprinted at me furiously . Both of our swords crashed with each other . He started attacking me with his sword at really fast speed that I was just able to defend myself and can't attack.
I didn't thought that he is such a good swordsman.

He once again attacked me , but this time in such a way that it could tear me into two halfs. But I hold my sword above my head in defense causing Dushassan's sword to crash on it instead of cutting me down. He put the pressure on  my sword causing me to fall and balance myself on my one knee.
I think I am losing!

But before Dushassan could push me further downward, I saw Dhristdyumn placing his sword on Dushassan neck causing him to freeze in his place.
I immediately pushed Dushassan sword off me and stood up angrily.

I grabbed Dushasan's hand harshly and dragged him towards the spot where his mamashri, brother and angraj were standing and watching the show.
I pulled Dushasan and threw him in shakuni's hand.
" Mamashri handle your nephew before he gets killed by my hands" I said coldly.
" And also I think I adviced you mamashri at use your brain to do right things , I think you forgot. " I said irritatingly.
"  I remember Rajkumari but today it was to rescue reputation of kshtriyas from burrying in the ground" Shakuni said defending himself.
" From whom mamashri?" I asked.
" I dont think any of the kshtriyas present here were able to complete the tasks not even your nephews" I said to him looking at Duryodhan and Dushasan. I saw Duryodhan clenching  hos fist but Angraj stopping him from attacking me.
" But yes there was an exception . Angraj Karn , even if he is not Kshtriya ,  he has more ability that these Kshtriya rajkumars present over here." I said. All the people in arena were listening including Madhav, Maharaj , Draupadi and Rajkumar Arjun because whole whole arena was silent and only my voice was echoing .
" I would like to apologise you Angraj" I said bowing infront of him.
" Its not your fault Rajkumari, and thanks for defending me" He said. I gave him a small smile before turning and Duryodhan and Dushasan.

As I was talking to mamashri and his companions , other rajkumars took there chance to attack the couple.
I turned around from dushasan and duryodhan due to noise I heard. I saw also fifteen Rajkumars dived towards Rajkumar Arjun . But he was weaponless and I was a large distance away from them.
" Now what will happen to your little draupadi and her pathetic husband Rajkumari" I heard Duryodhan saying with smirk and mamashri and dushasan laughing.
But fortunately before that idiots could attack Rajkumar and Draupadi. That big brahmin came and pulled out whole big pillar from the ground and banged it on the ground causing whole ground to shake.
Woah , he's definately Rajkumar Bhim.
All weak idiot Rajkumars fell on the ground including dushasan and mamashri.
I turned back at mamashri. As duryodhan was helping Dushasan to get up . I stood hovering over mamashri and put my hand forward for him to grab it and get up. But he looked between me and my hand confusingly.
" Take it mamashri , I am helping you because I am your big fan" I said sarcastically.Mamashri, his nephews and Angraj looked at me in confusion oblivious to the sarcsm.
" Take it , because I dont think in future I will be able to help you again " I said seriously and mamashri looked scared , he turned to look at Angraj and mouthed ' help me' . I scoffed and took my hand back.
Angraj helped him get up.
" I think we will all meet again very soon till then goodbye" I said to four of them and turned my head sharply dramatically flipping my hair and sprinting towards the couple.
" Draupadi and Jijashri , I will come with you so that none of these idiots should try to harm you two on your way" I said my decision.
" There is no need for that Rajkumari, my brother" Rajkumar Arjun pointed towards big brahmin " is very strong . He will protect us. You dont have to worry about us" He said. I was about to protest again but,
" I promise Rajkumari, I will not let anything happen to Rajkumari Draupadi and my brother" The big brahmin( Rajkumar Bhim) assured.
" Okay I am trusting you" I said and smiled at him.
" Now Gargee, let Panchali go with her husband , dont you see that she is eagerly waiting to meet her family" Madhav said sarcastically and draupadi glared at him playfully.

Then Draupadi , Rajkumar Arjun and Rajkumar Bhim went away.

[A/N] I hope you all are enjoying the story till now. I am trying to add some funny sentences in between so that it doesnt seem a sad story.

Jai Shri Krishna!!

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