Riddles and Dinner.

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Finally dinner arrived and all of us started eating in very uncomfortable silence. Glaring competition was still going on, as if there is the reward for one who shoots the most deadly glares.
To my delight Kakashri Vidhur broke the silence and annouced something very interesting.
" As this silence is getting really uncomfortable , what do you all think of playing a game?" Kakashri asked looking at Pandavas and Kauravas.
Wow! This is going to be exciting.

" What kind of game Kakasri?" Bhrata Yudhistir and Duryodhan asked in unison and looked at each other in disgust.
" What do you think about riddles?" Kakashri asked.
I love Riddles.
"That will be fun Kakashri" Bhrata Yudhistir said smiling.

" Ok then, I will ask a riddle and those who know the answer will raise their hand and one who will raise hand at first will get the first chance to answer it." Kakashri explained.
" And this game will be only for Pandavas and Kauravas. Also Angraj , Draupadi and Gargee. And Gandhar Raj you will not tell answers to your nephews" . Kakashri said while glaring at mamashri, who gave him dirty look.
"Dont worry Vidhur , I will keep an eye Gandhar Raj" Pitamah said and smirked at Mamashri causing him to roll his eyes.

" So lets get started with an easy riddle" Kakashri said and everyone sat straight on their chairs , keeping their ears wide open.

" I am a flower as well as fruit , also a desert(sweet). So guess who am I?" Kakashri asked.
Its really easy.

Immediately shot my hand up , but to my surprise Bhrata Bhim was quicker than me.
Obviously , its a question of food.
All others looked at both of yes. I and Bhrata Bhim smirked at each other.
Immediately after two of us , Bhrata Yudhistir, Arjun, Nakul, Sahedev and Angraj and Draupadi raised their hands followed by Duryodhan and Dushasan.

" I can see many of you raised your hands but Bhim was the first one , Rajkumar Bhim what is the answer?" Kakashri asked raising a brow.

" Gulab Jamun " Bhrata Bhim said.

" Absolutely!" Kakashri grinned.

Bhrata Bhim smirked proudly. Duryodhan scowled.
I saw Bhrata Arjun patting Bhrata Bhim's back to congratulate him.

" Of course he knew the answer. I told you Bhrata Bhim is obsessed with food" Bhrata Nakul whispered to me and I chuckled.

"Next Riddle; You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy." Kakashri asked.

Everyone went silent and started thinking.I also started thinking by closing my eyes
Hmm..Its tricky . It says ,wind is its enemy and also its life is measured in hours.
Yes!! Got it.

I opened my eyes and immediately raised my hand but unfortunately Bhrata Yudhistir's hand was already raised. He saw me raise my hands. He smiled at me and I grinned.

" Hurry up , I will give you all some more time . If anyone except Yudhistir and Gargee know the answer then they can raise their hands" Kakashri announced.

After sometime Angraj raised his hand. He glared at Bhrata Yudhistir and smiled at me ,which I returned.

After a while Bhrata Arjun raised his hand. And again glaring competition between him and Bhrata Arjun.

" Okay then time is up. Yudhistir what is your answer?" Kakashri asked.

" Candle" Bhrata Yudhistir answered confidently.

" Perfect!" Kakashri said smiling.

I flashed Bhrata yudhistir a congratulations smile.

" Now next question; What walks on four feet in morning, two in the afternoon and three at night " Kakashri asked.

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