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Gargee's  POV

Maharaj and Maharani announced Madhav's birthday. Then both of them and Bhrata Balram left the room. Madhav Also tried to leave but rukmini stopped him.

" Arya ! Where do you think you are going ?" Rukmini asked cocking her brow in disbelief. Madhav just stood there , thinking what should be savage reply for this question. He looked at me and Subhadra,  but both of us just smirked.

"Umm...... I am going to place where I am most needed right now" Madhav bluffed.
Oh my dear God !! I think I need to take acting tuitions from Madhav.

Rukmini eyed Madhav suspiciously and Madhav kept fake confident look on his face.
"And you are needed here the most , right now!
Now you can again stand in the pose you were standing before." Rukmini ordered coldly. Madhav sighed in defeat.

" But Rukmini , I know , you are such a great artist that you can draw me just by your imagination.  Then I don't know ,why there is a need for me to stay here and do those stupid poses" Madhav said in incredulity.

"You are right Arya , I can draw you just by my imagination, but if you are here then why should I trouble my brain to imagine." Rukmini said as if it was most obvious thing in the world. Madhav rolled his eyes. Me and Subhadra snorted,  earning a death glare from Madhav.

Rukmini resumed her painting.  I and Subhadra sat on a couch . I went into my thoughts.
What present should I give to Karn and Vrushali?

"Earth to Gargee!!" Subhadra cooed , waving her hands infront of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

" What are you thinking?" Subhadra asked.

" I was just thanking,  what present I should give to Bhrata Karn and Vrushali on their wedding " I said huffing.

" Whenever  there is someone's wedding , at least royal families gift them something of gold. So you can also gift them gold ." Subhadra said as if it was most obvious thing in the world.

" Rajkumari Subhadra,  how much spoilt little rich kid do you think I am ?"  I asked her with sarcastic grin . She furrowed her eyebrows .

" What do you mean ?" She asked in confusion.

" I mean , from where I will bring gold ? I don't think it will fall from the sky . " I said smugly. She gave me ' Are you crazy ' look.

" Gargee ! you are a Rajkumari, you are from royal family . I don't think there will be any scarcity of gold for you. " She said incredulously.

I sighed .
Oh God !! Please give Subhadra some brain.

" I am not Rajkumari by birth Subhadra. I was adopted by Maharaj Dhrupad. I am not rich. " I explained.

"But you still are a princess , and you can just tell Maharani Draupadi that you need something of gold and I am sure she will provide you without any hesitation. Even , if you say then I will ask Mata and Pitashri and they can order goldsmith to make something and then you can gift it ." Subhadra said smiling.

Great!! That means she is telling me to beg . I mean, how preposterous it will look when I will beg my sister or Subhadra's parents just for a stupid thing like gold . No thanks !!!.
I will figure out something to gift them.

" Thanks for your offer Subhadra,  but I want to give some else to them " I drawled and she nodded slowly.

I looked over to Madhav and Rukmini. I think her painting is about to get complete,  but by now Madhav was posing despondently . But his eyes are closed and he is standing in that pose only.
Woah... He is sleeping . That's really cool talent, with which we can sleep at any time , in any position.
But I don't think Rukmini realized anything because she was dreamily drawing  her husband's beautiful face.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now