My new friend

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" We have to find her" Rajkumari Draupadi said panicking.
Good to know that she still cares about me. I am am an idiot who insulted her father due my anger. Why I always get this angry that I cant control myself?

I think I will go away from here to some other place because I dont want to die.
I started walking away from that spot slowly taking care that anyone of them didnt notice me.
" Woah draupadi , if you threaten her like this , she will never come out" I heard rajkumari Shikhandi saying to her sister.
I was still moving away slowly. But I saw Vasudev smirking to himself.
Now what is he planning?
I was still walking but looking backwards, suddenly I bumped into something or it was someone and fell on the ground and again hit my head.
I groaned. I looked up and saw it was Vasudev grinning at me , showing his teeth.
How is it possible , just a second ago he was with rajkumari's and now he is standing infront of me.
He put his hand infront for helping me to stand up.
I scrunched my nose in annoyance.
" No thanks Vasudev , I can get up myself" I said with fake smile and got up and dusted myself.
" You have a lot of ego in yourself , hun" He said.
" Its not ego , it is called independence and self respect. I dont need any man to help me , I am not that weak" I said proudly.
" Great thoughts but today you need help because now I am going to call rajkumaris and then you can imagine what will happen" Vasudev said smirking. My eyes widened.
" Say a word and I will sew your mouth" I hissed.
" I dont think you are in situation to threaten me because RAJKUMARI SHIKHANDI , PANCHALI , SHE IS HERE" He yelled. My eyes widened in horror . I clapped my hand on his mouth to shut him up but it was too late Rajkumaris already spotted me and were rushing towards me.
Gargee if you love your life then run.
I started running but Vasudev grabbed my wrist stopping me from running away. I tried to free my wrist from his grip but failed.
" What is your damn problem , I dont have any rivalry with you , so just leave me alone and live your life happily" I spat.
" Not so easily Gargee" He said smirking at me.
This Vasudev smiles sweetly at Draupadi and smirks at me evilly. Great, Vasudev !
In meanwhile Rajkumaris arrived. I huffed irritatingly.
" Pranipat Rajkumari Shikhandi and Rajkumari Draupadi " I said with sweetest fake smile. They both rolled their eyes.
" Dont do drama Gargee, now come on Maharaj wants you infront of his eyes" Rajkumari Shikhandi said trying to sound calm.
" WHAT!! He wants to see me. I am not that pretty that Maharaj himself wants to see my face, you can take Rajkumari Draupadi with you" I said sarcastically. Vasudev snorted and Draupadi gave him death glare.
" Come Gargee or we have to forcefully drag you with us" Draupadi said with scowl on her face.
" Okay I am coming because I have no fear of dying. And yes I can walk by myself ,you three dont have to touch me" I said in a bit dangerous voice emphasizing the word ' touch'. I glared at Vasudev , saying leave my hand, and he immediately understood and loosened the grip and I pulled my hand away.
" Now come on you three, I am very excited for my death" I joked. But no one laughed but Vasudev was trying not to burst into laughter. I smirked at him.
On our way towards castle I was walking some distance infront of the three . Because they were discussing something , god knows what.
But I was in my own thoughts.
Why this Vasudev seems more familiar to me than Rajkumari Draupadi ,as if I have known him for whole 25 years of my life.
But I think this is just my imagination and he is damn irritating.
I looked back and saw three of them walking very slowly as if they were roaming in Garden.
Vasudev saw that I am looking behind , and he smirked at me and turned towards princesses.
" Panchali! you know for whole life I thought I am weirdest but today I discover someone more weird than me" Vasudev said while grinning and eyeing me from the corner of his eye. I rolled my eyes and looked infront and decided to ignore him.
" Maybe I know Govind, about whom you are talking " Draupadi said. From the corner of my eye I saw draupadi smiling weirdly in my direction and hi - fived with Vasudev.
Calm down Gargee, dont let them annoy you. I think I have got some anger issues.
I pick up a stone on the ground while walking and banged it hard on ground to ease my anger. I saw three of them eyeing me with the look which says ' You are mental'. I sighed loudly. I saw Vasudev , Draupadi and Shikhandi giggling.
I turned around swiftly and walked towards them very fastly stomping my feet. Three of them froze at their places.
I took a deep breath.
" Rajkumari Draupadi and Rajkumari Shikhandi , as you know today I am going to die. So I want to apologise you two for insulting your father. I dont know , but I have some anger issues and when maharaj insulted two of you , I felt my blood boiling and I said those insulting words to maharaj unknowingly.
So I will die a peaceful death , if you two forgive me" I finished and looked down at ground. There was silence , no one spoke anything. I think rajkumaris didnt forgive me.
I turned around to leave away but Rajkumari draupadi grabbed my hand and pulled me in hug. I was shocked at first but then I hugged her back. Now I was grinning like idiot. Vasudev and Shikhandi were smiling.

" You are like a sister to me Gargee and thank you so much for standing for me. And also I salute to your courage " Draupadi said and a tear rolled down her cheek . I wiped it away with my thumb.
" Thank you so much Rajkumari, it means a lot . And never ever cry again because it breaks my heart to see you cry" I said her giving her my sweetest genuine smile.
" Gargee, we will request pitashri to forgive you . So you dont worry" Rajkumari Shikhandi said.
" Thank you so much Rajkumari but I think someone is eagerly waiting for my death" I said while looking at Vasudev.
He gave me an innocent look before laughing and both the rajkumaris chuckled.
" You are really unique Gargee , I haven't seen anyone like you till now" Vasudev said smiling.
" Why, thank you Vasudev . I am flattered by your compliment." I said sarcastically.
" I dont like you calling me Vasudev" He said with a pout.
" Oh then what should I call you?
Drama queen?" I joked.
Rajkumaris burst into fits of laughter.
Vasudev glared at me.
" You know , my friends call me Madhav or Govind. You can call me any one of the names" He said grinning.
" Why? Am I your friend?" I asked him raising a brow.
" I would love to become your friend" He said.
I thought for a while.
" Okay , so I think you are really fun to talk with and your nature is also a bit similar to me , So Madhav , I accept your friendship offer" I said smiling.
His eyes lit up and he grinned from ear to ear.
We shook our hands together.
" So Madhav , where are you from?" I asked him curiously.
" I am prince of Dwarka" He said. I hummed.
" Now lets go , Maharaj will be impatient for killing me" I joked.
All three of them laughed.
" So who want to do a running race from here to the gates of castle." I asked excitingly.
" Bring it on" Madhav and Shikhandi said in unison . Draupadi groaned.
" I am not doing this stupid race" She said ." I am going to come slowly , you can go" She added and we nodded.
" So 3....2.....1...GO" I shouted and we started running towards the castle.
So me and Madhav reached the castle at same time and Shikhandi reached little late.
Three of us breathed heavily and laughed.
" That was fun, it had been years since I ran this fast" Madhav exclaimed and Shikhandi nodded in agreement .
I grinned but at same time I was very nervous to encounter Maharaj.
" Dont worry everything will be fine" Madhav said placing his hand gently on my shoulder. It was like he read my mind.
I gave him a small nervous smile.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now