Now do you believe me ,Pitamah?

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I was dragged into Draupadi's room by Rajkumar Arjun. I saw all the Pandavas, Draupadi and Mata Kunti were sitting there.
As I and Rajkumar Arjun arrived , all of them turned their heads towards us. Draupadi got and ran towards me.
" WHERE WERE YOU?" Draupadi yelled causing me to stuck my fingers in my ears.
" Jeez, Draupadi calm down , I was just greeting someone" I said innocently.
" Do you know , whom she was greeting?" Rajkumar Arjun asked smirking at me.
God, he wants me to get killed by my sister.
" Whom?" Draupadi asked raising her eyebrows.
" Mamashri, Duryodhan, Dushasan and Angraj" Rajkumar Arjun said , not forgetting to utter every name with disgust. All of them looked at me with a look saying ' You are not in your right mind'.
" Putri Gargee, listen. Those people are really dangerous , so just stay away from them as much as you can, okay?" Mata Kunti said with worried look on her face.
" Its nothing to worry about Mata. I was just having some fun , messing around with them" I said with a goofy grin on my face. Mata Kunti and Draupadi slapped their foreheads with their hands and looked at Pandavas with a look saying 'Nothing can happen of this girl'. I rolled my eyes.
" Seriously Gargee, those people literally tried to burn all of us alive , so please be careful around them" Rajkumar Yudhistir requested but it sounded like an order.
" Okay" I huffed.
They were only source of entertainment here.
How all these people live without mobiles?
Only I know , how I spent all these days in this era.
I sighed and plopped down on one of the couches.
All of them were looking at my each move.
" What you all are looking at?" I asked raising a brow.
" We are looking at how stubborn you are"Draupadi said scrunching her nose.
" But you all love me , right?" I said cheekily. All of them looked at each other and then at me , and smiled.
" Of course Gargee , we love you. You are like our little sister" Rajkumar Bhim said and other four Pandavas nodded.
"Really! Then can I call you all Bhrata . Because I am very lazy to say big word ' Rajkumar' everytime" I asked with my eyes shining.
All of them laughed and Rajkumar Nakul hit my head playfully causing me to glare at him.
" Of course Gargee,  you dont need our permission , you can call us Bhrata" Bhrata Arjun said. I smiled at them brightly.
" Gargee , how do you do this?" Mata Kunti asked while cupping my face gently.
" Do what?" I asked her in confusion.
" Make everyone smile. You know before you came, all of us were very tensed thinking about Tatshri's ( Uncle)  rage , but you made all of us forgot our tension for a while." Mata Kunti said smiling generously.
" I dont know Mata but I think its in my nature. I dont like people looking sad. As Madhav said, I myself cant be emotional" I said. Mata Kunti and others smiled at me.

" But how can we explain everything to Pitamah" Bhrata Arjun asked panicking. He was pacing up and down.
" Dont worry Arya , I will explain him everything" Draupadi assured.
" But how?" Bhrata Bhim asked in confusion.
" I have my ways" Draupadi said in monotone.

After sometime all of were spread across the room.
Draupadi and Mata were talking. Bhrata Yudhistir , Bhim,  Arjun were discussing something . Bhrata Sahedev was practicing his fighting skills by skillfully twirling his axe in the air.
I yawned thinking how boring , the life here is. But my eyes flickered over to Bhrata Nakul , who I think from past 15 minutes was continuously staring at himself in mirror without even blinking. I looked at him curiously.
" Bhrata Bhim!!" I whisper yelled but it gained me attention of not only Bhrata Bhim , but all the people present in room.
" What happened ?" Bhrata bhim asked raising a brow.
I pointed my index finger in the direction of Bhrata Nakul, who was now drooling at the sight of his own reflection.
All Pandavas leaving Bhrata Nakul , Draupadi and Mata Kunti chuckled.
" Its a part of his daily routine" Bhrata Sahedev said grinning.

" Bhrata...Nakul..." I cooed. No response .
I went a bit near.
" Bhrata..Nakul..." I cooed again. Still no response.
I looked over to others, they were giggling silently.
"BHRATA NAKUL!!" I shouted causing him to jump and place his hand on his heart region.
" What the hell was that Gargee?" Bhrata Nakul asked in disbelief.
" You were so busy in staring at yourself my lovely brother that you couldn't hear Gargee calling your name. So she was forced to shout to gain your attention" Bhrata Bhim explained and smirked at him.
" So what Bhrata Bhim?
A person will stare at the thing which he have and I have an extremely handsome face. But some people exceptionally fat stomach to stare at , which is definately not my fault." Bhrata Nakul said teasing Bhrata Bhim. All of us burst into laughter.
"NAKUL, YOU ARE DEAD" Bhrata Bhim shouted and started chasing behind Nakul. They were running like small kids. I laughed untill tears came from my eyes.
That was really fun.

Later , in evening. I dragged Draupadi with me to hang out near banks of Ganga river because I was feeling suffocated sitting at one place.
As we were walking, I saw silhouette
of two people. I squinted my eyes and saw Pitamah and Mahamantri standing looking at river which was peacefully flowing.
" This is right time to explain to Pitamah and Kakashri " Draupadi mumbled , more to herself than to me.

Then we went towards the two.Both of them just looked at Draupadi as if I was invisible. Draupadi explained everything, still Pitamah didn't look convinced.
The draupadi took a handful of river water.
" Oh Ganga Mata, if I am saying truth then your water will not fall on the ground when I will release it " Draupadi chanted. Pitamah and Mahamantri looked at her with wide eyes because of her confidence.
Is Draupadi out of her mind?
How can water stop in air?
Is there no respect for gravity?

Draupadi released water from her hands. My jaw dropped because the water literally froze in the air. Pitamah and Mahamantri also had same expression as mine.
Wow!! Draupadi is a witch!!

" Now do you believe me Pitamah and Kakashri?" Draupadi asked. Both of them sighed and nodded. They smiled at her.
Yes!! Draupadi did it!

" Now Pitamah , can we go?" Draupadi asked. Pitamah was about to nod but his eyes flickered over to me . This was first time he noticed my presence . Then Mahamantri also looked at me.
" Who are you Putri?" Pitamah asked raising his brow.
" I am Draupadi's sister Mahamahim" I introduced politely , not knowing whether am I allowed to call him Pitamah. Both of them furrowed their eyebrow's in confusion.
" Means, you are Maharaj Dhrupad's daughter?" Mahamantri asked in confusion and I nodded.
" But as much as I know Maharaj has only two daughters, Rajkumari Draupadi and Rajkumari Shikhandi" Pitamah said.
" Yes Pitamah, you are right , but my father accepted her as his own daughter" Draupadi explained.
" Oh" Pitamah and Mahamantri said in unison.
" What is your name ?" Pitamah asked.
" My name is Gargee , Pita...I mean Mahamahim" I said.
H chuckled.
" You can call me Pitamah" He said smiling at me.
" And you can call me Kakashri" Mahamantri said.
I nodded and smiled brightly at them.
They are really kind.

" Why dont you all join us for dinner" Pitamah invited.
" But will it be fine Pitamah. I mean Maharaj and his sons hate us." Draupadi asked cautiously.
" We will take care of them, you all just come" Kakashri said.

We thanked them from inviting and made our way into the castle.


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Jai shri Krishna!

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