Angraj Karn

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Karn's POV
We all turned our heads towards the main gate and it revealed a girl wearing a warrior outfit with a turban which has peacock feather wrapped to it, like Vasudev Krishna.
To be honest , I havent seen such a beautiful girl in my whole life.
She entered and first of all joined her hands to greet Maharaj and Vasudev. Then she joined her hands to take blessing of Dhanush which was kept in middle of arena.
Now she started walking towards Maharaj.
She was walking with immense confidence which reflected her powerful aura.
She was greeting only those people whom she thought to be interesting.
This girl definately have some attitude.
" Woah mamashri , I havent seen such a beautiful girl in my whole life."  Dushasan said drooling over the sight of princess.
" You are right Dushasan" Duryodhan agreed.
Rajkumari Gargee walked towards us. She stopped infront of Dushasan. From his face I can see immensely overjoyed. I could see princess giving him weird look but I think he didnt notice.
" Who are you?" She asked Dushasan in monotone voice.
" I-I am p-prince of hastinapur Rajkumar Dushasan" He replied shuttering a bit.
" Hastinapur you said?" Rajkumari asked him,  as if from the whole introduction dushasan gave about himself , she only find the word 'Hastinapur' interesting.
" Yes" Dushasan said.
She hummed.And made her way towards Mamashri shakuni.
" Pranipat. Who are you?" She asked curiously. I am surprised she actually greeted him.
" I am Gandhar raj Shakuni" He replied. I could see her lips forn an evil grin .
" Woah , Mamashri Shakuni. Pleasure to meet you. I have heard a lot about you." She said excitingly with fake smile.
" F-From whom Rajkumari?" Shakuni asked.
" From Madhav" She said.
" Who Madhav?" Mamashri asked her in confusion. She slapped her hand on her forehead.
" Vasudev Krishna" She said with gritted teeth. I could see a shiver running through mamashri's spine.
" What did he say about me?" Mamashri asked fearfully.
She smirked at him causing him to gulp.
" He said that Mamashri Shakuni is most cunning and intelligent personality he have ever seen." She said grinning. A tint of happiness spread over mamashri's face and he grinned at her showing his teeth.
" But mamashri, I will give you a suggestion. Use your intelligence for good purpose , who knows by doing this your name will be written in golden words in history" She said seriously. She left him dumbfounded and made her way towards Duryodhan.
" And who you are?" She asked Duryodhan with boring expression.
" I am Yuvraj Duryodhan , Yuvraj of Hastinapur" Duryodhan said proudly.
" You are eldest son of Maharaj Dhritrashtra and Maharani Gandhari, right?" She asked raising her brow.
" You are right rajkumari" Duryodhan said happily , knowing that rajkumari knows something about him.
" Pleasure to meet you" Rajkumari said but I could hear tint disgust in her voice.
Again she started walking while looking up at Vasudev, for a second I thought she didnt find me interesting, but my thinking was proved wrong when she abruptly stopped infront of me.
She looked at my face , as if she was scanning it.
Rajkumari looks more pretty from near.I thought.
" Pranipat. Pleasure to meet you. May I know who are you?" She asked me smiling genuinely. I was shocked that she greeted me and I think I am the only one at whom she smiled genuinely.
" I am Angraj Karn. Pleasure to meet you Rajkumari Gargee" I said.

 Pleasure to meet you Rajkumari Gargee" I said

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" Woah you are a King. Thats great" She said grinning. I smiled at her.
" Rajkumari, why are you even talking him, he is Suth putra. " A rajkumar sitting beside me said smugly. I could feel my blood boil. But Rajkumari furrowed her eyebrows at that idiot in confusion.
" What do you mean by Suth Putra?" She asked him in confusion.
What ! She dont know what it means?
How's it possible?
" Rajkumari, it means that he is a Son of Charioteer." That idiot explained. If rajkumari wasnt standing here then I would have killed him by now.
But Rajkumari gave that idiot a dirty look and looked at me.
" I salute to you man. Even though you are a Charioteer's son , you are a King. My respect for you have increased thousand times" She said impressed.
I was very shocked. In my entire life , no one said such thing to me. All would just insult me on the basis of my cast.
This Rajkumari is really unique. Her thoughts are gems.
I smiled brightly at her.
" You know, from all these kings and rajkumars present here , I have a strong feeling that you are the only one who will be able to win this competition" She said in low voice so that only I will be able to hear.
I grinned at her from ear to ear.
" Thank you so much Rajkumari. I want to say that you are really unique and very beautiful too." I said complimenting her. She laughed lightly.
" You think I am pretty?" She asked and I nodded.
" Then wait untill you see Rajkumari Draupadi. After seeing her you will not say that I am beautiful" She said laughing.
" No Rajkumari, you will always be beautiful , not only because of your outer beauty , also because of your unique thoughts" I said truly.
She smiled brightly.
" It was good to meet you Angraj Karn. Hope to see you again soon." She said and went at the top and took her seat at left corner beside Vasudev.
This girl is one of the most unique personality I ever met.

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