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After seeing Bhrata Arjun and Angraj coming towards me with supersonic speed , I immediately got up and mounted on my horse and started riding it as fast as I can, but I know , two of them were riding more fast than me.
My stomach was paining so much, but I shrugged of the thought of the pain and started thinking that its not paining, though it was paining at its worst.
I think both of them saw me.
" GARGEE , WAIT!!" Bhrata Arjun yelled.
"YES RAJKUMARI , YOU ARE RISKING YOUR LIFE BECAUSE OF THAT MAN" Angraj said loudly so that I could hear.
But I kept riding.
"BOTH OF YOU GO BACK , BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING STOP UNTILL I KILL THAT COCKROACH." I yelled ,  pulling the reins of horse to make it run faster.
I looked back , Bhrata Arjun and Angraj also increased their speeds. They were now very close to catch me.
I panicked and turned my head infront and my eyes widened because I saw four people riding there horses , infront of me at some distance. They were riding very slowly as if they are roaming in garden.
And I am riding with superfast speed, and so did the two men riding behind me.
In this way, three of us, will get crashed into the people riding infront of us.
More trouble!!

" GARGEE STOP!! YOU WILL GET CRASHED INTO THOSE PEOPLE" Bhrata Arjun yelled but I ignored.

" HEY FOUR OF YOU, MOVE AWAY FROM MY WAY" I shouted on top of lungs because I was about to crash.

Four of them turned their heads , and to my surprise one of them was Madhav and with him was one other man and two women, about whom I didn't care , at this point of time.

I saw Madhav's and other three people's eyes widened.

" MADHAV ! DONT LET HER GO!!" Bhrata Arjun shouted behind me.
I saw Madhav nodding and smiling .

My eyes widened in horror because I was about to crash into Madhav's horse. I pressed my eyes shut due to panic of crashing.
But suddenly , I felt a jerk and my horse automatically stopped, causing me to fall from horse due to the jerk. I fell flat on my abdomen.
"AAGHHHH....." I groaned loudly because I felt sharp pain in my stomach .
I saw Bhrata Arjun and Angraj also arrived.
You didn't leave a single chance to put me trouble, dont you Madhav?

Madhav , Bhrata Arjun , Angraj and other three people mounted off from their horses and hovered above me while standing in circle around me.

" Idiots!" I muttered angrily under my breath.
" You know Gargee, we all heard what you called us just now" Madhav said , now kneeling down beside me and I was still lying on the ground. Others  also mimicked Madhav's action and sat down in circle around me , as if they are gathered for a picnic.

" Its good that all of you heard , what I said. But I have very important work to do right now"I said coldly , now getting up slowly from the ground and walking towards my horse.

" You are not allowed to go anywhere Rajkumari" Angraj snapped.

I sharply turned around and walked towards him.

" I am not your Prisoner Angraj , so you can give your orders to Bhrata Arjun, not me" I hissed.
" And yes I think , both of you have become good friends, so Bhrata Arjun gladly take orders from you" I said sarcastically ,  looking between Angraj and Bhrata Arjun.
Angraj smirked at Bhrata Arjun and Bhrata Arjun scoffed.
And there , Madhav and other three people were watching live drama with interest. It was looking like , they just need someone to get popcorns for them and they will peacefully enjoy the movie named " TWO ENEMIES BECAME FRIENDS FOR CATCHING A  GIRL".

" And you four , what are you all doing here?" I asked to Madhav and other three people , raising my brow.

They looked at each other and started laughing. I furrowed my brows.
What's so funny?

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now