Where am I?

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[A/N] This story will be written  majorly in Gargee's POV.

Finally this is the day my dream will be coming true. We have created a time machine. I cant tell you how excited I am. My dream to see Mahabharat live with my own eyes will be soon become reality .
But there is one problem, no one wants to check whether the time machine works or not. Because they are scared. Scaredy cats.
But really if time machine doesnt work , we can get thrown into some unknown era which is really scary to think of.
I was looking at time machine with my mind full of dreamy thoughts.
" Earth to Gargee" Afraa , my secretary and also my best friend snapped me out of my thoughts.
" Stop dreaming  " she said giggling . I rolled my eyes.
" Tell something new afraa. We all know that my great sis have   dangerous disease of day dreaming " My idiot brother, Tanishq , who is an well known actor said sarcastically. I glared at him and afraa and tanishq laughed.
" You know , I have a good news for both of you." I said.
" Really , What is it?" Afraa asked curiously and tanishq turned me smirking . God knows what this dumb head is thinking.
" So good news is that, I am going to sacrifice myself for testing whether this time machine works or not" I said, thinking there is no one other to do this job.
" REALLY!! Finally I will get rid of you" Tanishq exclaimed jokingly . I hit his head hard causing him to groan.
" Gargee, do you really want to do this? Because we cant loose you , because you are ceo of this company" Afraa asked worriedly.
" Yes, I have already decided and no one can change my decision. Even if something happens to me, you can take the position of ceo and run the company"  I joked , to ease the serious tension.
" Okay , as you wish . But think one last time , because we can also throw tanishq into the time machine to check whether it is working" She joked .
" Hey!!" Tanishq yelled and both of us laughed at how tensed he became.
" No my idiot brother, as much as I wish to throw you , but I cant because I cant tolerate lecture of mummy and papa later. " I said ruffling his hair and his tensed expression relaxed.

I announced to everyone in the company , that I will test the time machine. All of them were hesistant at first, but finally agreed.
I stood inside the time machine. It was time to check whether we are sucessful or not.
I was scared , that what will happen if it didnt work. But I shook away the thought , calming myself down.
"Miss Gargee, I will adjust a time of 1 hr ago , because we cant take much risk"  One of my employees said and I nodded. He adjusted the time.
" Now , everyone , its time to check it, I will be pulling the lever on the count of three" That employee said. Everyone looked at me worriedly. Afraa and Tanishq had fear in their eyes.
My heart was beating thousand times faster.
" Count down begins 3.....2.....1 " He pulled the lever . I shut my eyes in fear. But , I think something went wrong because danger alarm was ringing loudly , all the people were giving scared squeals.
I heard Afraa and Tanishq shouting my name at the top of their lungs before everything went black.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now