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Gargee's POV
Finally it was the day of Swayamvar. Draupadi was getting ready but we were not allowed in her room.
So I also decided to get ready.
Also today I will be going with Rajkumari Draupadi to whichever kingdom she will go.
It will be interesting.

 It will be interesting

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Gargee's outfit

Headband wrapped on turban

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Headband wrapped on turban

I got ready and decided to meet Madhav. Maharaj said that when our name will be taken then only we will arrive at the competition ground. So we have to wait outside.
I went outside and saw Madhav standing by himself.

" Woah you are looking handsome Madhav" I said mesmerised by his look

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" Woah you are looking handsome Madhav" I said mesmerised by his look.
" I know that and you are looking gorgeous Gargee" He said smiling.
" As always" I said proudly . He chuckled.

We were standing outside of the competition ground little away from the gate from where guests were going inside . Maharaj , Rajkumar Dhristadyumn and Rajkumari Shikhandi were standing infront of the gate for welcoming the guests.

Many royal people were arriving.
As I was looking at the kings and princes coming , I spotted a person who neither looked prince nor king. He was wearing weird turban and limping . He was little old. But he looked from royal family.

What this old man is doing here

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What this old man is doing here. Is he competing in swayamvar?
Not in the seven hells I am going to give draupadi to him. But I dont think he will even be able too touch the Shiv Dhanush.

After long time guests settled on the chairs which were kept in competition ground. Maharaj settled on his throne which was high above.
Besides him five chairs were kept.

Maharaj greeted all the guests and thanked them for coming.
" Now I will like to invite my daughter Rajkumari Shikhandi to join us " We heard maharaj announce.All the guests stood up to give respect to her. Shikhandi went inside while greeting everyone and sat on left of Maharaj.
" Now I would like to invite my son who is also born from fire like Rajkumari Draupadi, Rajkumar Dhritaduymn. Then he went inside.

Shakuni's POV
" Now I would like to invite the person who is one of the greatest personality in whole aryavart . So please wellcome Dwarka Shresta , none other than Vasudev Krishna" Maharaj announced and I scoffed at the name.
Vasudev did a grand entry. He greeted everyone while joining his hands with a stupid smile on his face.
He made his way to go and sit with maharaj while walking past guests. He stopped infront of Rajkumar Rukmi.
Of course , this idiot Vasudev Krishna abducted Rajkumari Rukmini. God knows what he is talking to Rukmi.

" Vasudev Krishna. In whole aryavart , this is the only person , whom we dont have capability to fight with." I said to Duryodhan, Dushasan and Karna while eyeing Vasudev with my one eye closed.
" And why is that mamashri?" Dushasan asked.
" Because he is more intelligent than me" I admitted
As I was staring at Vasudev, he suddenly turned around and locked his eyes with me and masked his face with fake happiness. I also grinned while showing my teeth to him.
He made his way towards me.
" Pranipat mamashri" He said while smiling. I could fear surrounding me.
" Vasudev, you made me your Mama?" I asked him trying not to show my fear.
" Of course, you are Mamashri of my Bhrata Duryodhan. So you are also my mamashri" He said as if it is most obvious thing in the world.
" I am scared of becoming your mama, Vasudev" I said.
He laughed.
" Why mamashri ? As far as I know , by my hand , my mama Kans well happened." He said. I shivered.
" I will meet you later mamashri" He said and went ahead to Angraj Karn, not even looking at my child Duryodhan.
After a while,
" If someone who is neglected by birth, then what should he do Vasudev?" I heard Karna asking.
"Then he should struggle to get respect but never support adharm" Vasudev said and went on the top and sat on the chair which was one chair leaving besides maharaj.

" Now , I would like to invite a girl with overwhelming courage and fantastic warrior skills. The girl whom I accepted as my own daughter . So please welcome Rajkumari Gargee" Maharaj said and all the heads turned towards the main gate . The gate revealed a really beautiful girl.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now