I accept all five of them as my Husband

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Draupadi's POV
I stood infront of the lake , helplessly staring at it. Tears were automatically trickling down from my eyes.
Why my life have to be a living hell?
How can I distribute myself among five brothers ?
When I was sitting here, Mata Kunti and Rajkumar Arjun came here a while ago.
At first Mata Kunti came and she told me to ignore her sentence but I know Pandavas take their Mother's sentence as a order from God whether that sentence is right or wrong.
After sometime Rajkumar Arjun came and he told me that I can marry any one of them and other four will go into lifetime Agyatvas.
He suggested me to marry Rajkumar Yudhistir because he is the eldest and most probably will become King and I will become queen . But I told him angrily that I dont have greed for throne or for palace and shoved him away saying that I need some time.

" What should I do Govind?" I mumbled to myself.

After thinking for a while , I made a biggest decision of my life which is against Dharma , which will most probably make my life miserable.
After this Govind will hate me because I am making a decision which will fall in the category of Adharm.
Pitashri,Jiji and Bhrata will be disappointed. But Gargee , I know , instead of getting disappointed by me she will run to kill Pandavas for making me cry.

I wiped my tears away and stood up and made my way back to the hut for announcing my final decision.
But I met them outside of the hut. Rajkumar Arjun and Yudhistir were arguing about who will go to life time Agyatvas but Mata Kunti was constantly telling them to ignore her words.
I made my way towards them causing them to stop in the middle of their argument .
" No one have to go to Agyatvas. I decided that I will marry all five of you, So that no son of Mata Kunti will have to go to Agyatvas" I announced and before any of them could protest I ran away from them towards the castle.

Gargee's POV
It was almost night time, the sky was dark. I was leaning on the banister of the gallery seeing the Moon shining brightly and stars twinkling .
The sky was full of stars , it was looking like a sea flowing in sky. It was really beautiful view.
But suddenly I heard noise of someone's feet and I snapped my head in the direction of noise and saw that, the person was Draupadi . She was running with the tears rolling down her cheeks.
" MADHAV, COME WITH ME!" I shouted and he ran started following behind me.
We arrived outside. We saw Draupadi was there near the Agni kund which was prepared for tomorrow's wedding.
Me and Madhav dashed towards her.
We kneeled down infront of her. I hugged her pulling her closer to me. She snuggled closer and sobbed silently by hiding her face in crook of my neck.
After some time , when she calmed down a bit, I pulled her away and wiped her cheeks.
" What happened Draupadi ,whom I need to kill this time?" I joked so that she could feel less miserable. It worked , she chuckled lightly but I could see that she could break down in tears again. 
She explained us everything. My blood was boiling.
After completing she looked at Madhav.
"Govind I know this is Adharm but I didnt have any other option because if I chose one of them then other will have to go in life time Agyatvas.
So please Govind , dont hate me for my decision. " She pleaded and tear rolled down her cheek. Madhav wiped it away.
" You haven't done anything against Dharm Sakhi. You did this because  you care about everyone. You don't want anyone to live his entire life in Agyatvas. So dont blame yourselves and I will never hate you" Madhav assured smiling at her. She slowly nodded.
" But Draupadi, I think they should get punishment for their deeds." I said angrily.
" No Gargee! Calm down , you can't give punishment to Mata Kunti , right?" She asked me.
" Ok I will not hurt them but I want to asked Rajkumar Yudhistir , what kind of non-sense dharm is he following?"  I said clenching my fist to control my rage.
" Watch ,what kind of language are you using Gargee" Madhav said threatningly.
" I . dont . care " I said pausing.
As I was about to run away to find Pandavas , Madhav grabbed my right wrist and pressed his finger on the middle of my wrist where the Trishul shaped scar was present. I instantly felt all the anger draining away from me.I closed my eyes and felt calm.
I slowly opened my eyes.
"But we have to atleast inform maharaj" I said so calmly that Draupadi got scared , suddenly what happened to me.

Then I went to tell maharaj everything and he ordered me to come with him to find them but as we were about leave , five of them arrived themselves.
They apologised to Maharaj and Draupadi but Maharaj were fuming in anger and made his way to kill them but Madhav defended Pandavas.

Madhav explained the situation to all of us and finally Maharaj hesistantly agreed.
" But Madhav what will world think about Draupadi?
They will obviously think her to characterless dirty women and I cant bear it" I asked Madhav.
" Let them think anything, but we all know that Draupadi is one of the purest soul on the Earth" Madhav assured. I nodded.
Why God? Why are you giving such a miserable life to my sister?


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