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" Hope to meet you soon Maharaj and Maharani" I said while touching feet of Madhav's parents.
" We felt very happy that three of you came to Dwarka . I dont know when we will get to see you all again , but gates of Dwarka are always open for you " Maharani said to me , Bhrata Arjun and Angraj with tint of sadness because we were leaving.
" Really we felt very happy , especially my sons and daughters . So do come here frequently" Maharaj requested.
Three of us nodded.
I turned towards bhrata balram and Bhrata Arjun and Angraj went towards Madhav , Subhadra and Rukmini.
" I will miss you so much Bhratashri" I said to bhrata Balram giving him a hug.
" I will miss you too, but promise me that you will visit Dwarka again soon" Bhrata Balram said.
" I promise " I said smiling.
" Then have a safe journey with two enemies" Bhrata Balram said sarcastically.
" I just hope that they doesnt kill each other " I joked and two of us laughed.

Then I turned to Subhadra and Rukmini because Madhav was spreading his knowledge by enlightening Bhrata Arjun and Angraj.

Subhadra and Rukmini engulfed me into group hug.
I saw Subhadra was crying.
" Hey Subhadra , why are you crying?" I asked her , wiping her tears away.
In these few days she became like my younger sister.
"Because you all are leaving , cant you just live here for rest of your lives" She said ,her voice cracking.
I smiled at her.
" As much as I want to live here , I cant ditch my sister Draupadi, Mata Kunti and Pandavas.
At least you have Bhrata Balraam and Madhav to have fun , but I dont have anyone because I live with all serious people " I said grinning sheepishly. Subhadra and Rukmini chuckled.
"We will miss you so much Gargee" Rukmini said.
" Me too" I said sadly.

I turned to madhav whose enlightment session , I suppose is completed.
I went towards him and tackled him into hug causing him to stumble.
"Woah .... Gargee ! I dont want my bones to break " He joked.
" I will miss you so so much Bhrata Krishna " I said still hugging him.
" Oh.. BhRaTa KrIsHnA" He said , doing really bad imitation of my voice.
" Hey! I dont sound like that" I said hitting his arm lightly and he laughed.

" I will miss you too but we will meet again sooner than you think" He said grinning.
How this guy has so confidence in what he is saying?
" How are you damn sure about what is going to happen. Are you God?" I asked sarcastically but Maharaj , Maharani , Bhrata Balram , Subhadra and Rukmini snapped their heads in our direction with their eyes wide due to some unknown reason.
Why are they suddenly acting weird?

" Yes ! I am God " Madhav said proudly , raising his nose high up in the air.
Here we go again....Drama queen!
" Oh great! And you will be surprised to know that I am a goddess " I said sarcastically.
Bhrata Arjun and Angraj snorted but I could see others were not comfortable with this God and Goddess conversation.

" Okay now enough of this hypothetical conversation of Gods and Goddesses because I have to leave for hastinapur with those two weirdos standing behind me " I joked while eyeing Bhrata Arjun and Angraj, who gave me death glares.

" Oh yes you have to go . So goodbye then" Madhav said with hint of sadness in his voice.

Me , Angraj and Bhrata Arjun mounted on our horses, ready to leave.

" Goodbye ! See you all soon " I said for one last time with a tear automatically rolling down from the corner of my eye.

" Bye!!" All of them said in unison.
I looked at Madhav for one last time and he nodded smiling.
Seeing Madhav's face in itself is a refreshment.

And finally we left Dwarka.
We three were riding slowly with throat cutting silence. Meanwhile Bhrata Arjun and Angraj were giving sporadic death glares to each other, it was pissing me off.
Of course,  perks of travelling with two biggest enemies.
I am wondering , why didn't they rip off each others head till now.

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now