Arjun v/s Takshak and Indra Dev

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As we reached Khandav Prastha , me and pandavas mounted off from our horses and stood in a line looking at imaginary nature's beauty of Khandav Prastha.
Draupadi also got out of her doli and made her way towards us and Vrushali trailing behind her.

"What an amazing gift we got for showing our courtesy" Bhrata Nakul said sarcastically looking at the cracked land.
" If we haven't shown our extreme stupid kindness , and haven't agreed for this division,  then by hook or crook , Maharaj had to handover throne to Bhrata Yudhistir because he is eldest" He added in disbelief .

" I agree with Bhrata Nakul , Bhrata Yudhistir , it's good that you are extremely kind and always keep ranting about Dharma, but I honestly think that you should keep your kindness in control because it's benefitting that idiot Duryodhan" I said little angrily, but he didn't say anything , just kept staring at land as if it's a TV and a movie is going on.

" Nakul and Gargee, if Bhrata Yudhistir haven't have agreed for this division then that Duryodhan had immediately started war , and its always good to stay away from war or fight as much as we can" Bhrata arjun said like a professor giving us lecture.

" Why Bhrata Arjun , are you afraid of doing battle?" Bhrata Nakul said with mocking grin and I snorted , causing Bhrata Arjun to glare at me.

"A good warrior is always afraid of war Arya, not because his own life is in danger , but because he care about other people who could die in that war , though they are innocent " Draupadi explained to Bhrata Nakul. Bhrata Arjun had a proud smile on his face because Draupadi just appreciated him.

"OH my goodness Draupadi , from when you started to give such a divine lectures? Wait untill Madhav hears about this. He will be really proud to know that you are following his footprints by enlightening people" I joked and Padavas laughed.
" OH,  just shut up Gargee!" Draupadi said playfully hitting my hand.

Bhrata Bhim came towards Bhrata arjun and placed both his hands on Bhrata Arjun's shoulder.
" If you really care about people's life , then quickly arrange food for me otherwise I will die out of hunger" Bhrata Bhim said seriously , shaking Bhrata Arjun vigorously causing him to stumble and laugh.

" Bhrata Arjun , please arrange for me too because I am also very hungry " I said sheepishly grinning. Bhrata Bhim gave me thumbs up for supporting him and Bhrata Arjun sighed dramatically.

" Don't worry Arya and Gargee , let us just finish Bhoomi Pujan then I will arrange food for you" Draupadi said smiling.
" My sister is best!" I beamed and hugged her.
"Now enough of your drama and let's do Bhoomi Pujan" Drauapadi said grinning and I rolled my eyes.

Then we all joined our hands for worshiping Mother Earth. At last Draupadi took Kalash filled with water. She tilted it to let the water fall on the land. But as soon as , first drop of water fell on ground, wind started blowing. The wind converted into storm. The sand on the ground started swirling in air blurring our vision.
The people of hastinapur who came with us got horrified and started running away panicking. I was still not understanding , suddenly how this storm and these black clouds came.

" WHAT'S HAPPENING?" I asked in confusion trying to not get blown due to this strong wind.
"Nagraj Takshak and his army" Bhrata Arjun said in cold and monotone voice. Pandavas looked horrified , Draupadi looked confused.
This seriously isn't any time for such a stupid joke!
Who is this Takshak bloke and where is he ?

" LOOK!" Bhrata Sahedev shouted pointing at the dense forest which was a bit far away from where we were standing.
I squinted my eyes to look what it is and my eyes widened in horror when I saw thousands of snake getting launched from that forest with supersonic speed towards us , and most surprisingly they were flying.
Are they magical snakes?

Mysterious time traveller to age of Mahabharat  [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now