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I was laying on Chris's bed waiting for him to get out of the shower. I was scrolling through tiktok when I heard the door open.

I look away from my phone looking over to see Chris walking in. He through his dirty clothes into his laundry basket.

He then walked over to me. I then shut my phone off putting it on the night stand. Then I opened my arms he then crawled into my arms.

Once he was in my arms I wrapped my arms around him. I then gave him a kiss on his wet hair.

" I'm tired "

He mumbled

" then go to sleep "

I said as I was running my fingers through his hair.

" that feels good "

I then grabbed the blanket throwing it over me and Chris. For a few mintues of running my hands through his hair I heard light snores.

I look down only to see him asleep. I then smiled to myself before giving him one more kiss on his head. Then I closed my eyes and going to sleep myself.

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