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Leave requests

{ your pov }

I was sitting at home when I got a call from Matt.

"Hey Matt what's up"

He was silent for a second but then started speaking.

"Hey could you come over because something happened to Chris"

"Yea I can what happened"

I said as I got up and put my shoes a jacket on.

"I'll leave Chris to explain this one to you"

Matt said as I heard Nick and Chris talking in the background.

"Ok, I'll be there in a few"

"Ok see you when you get here"

"Ok bye"

I said as I hung up. I then grabbed my keys and head out my front door to the triplets house.

Once I got there I knock on the door and walked in to let them know that I was there.

"Where's Chris?"

I said as I seen Matt first

"Uhh.. I think he's in the bathroom"

I nodded my head as I took my jacket off setting it down. I then head to the bathroom.

Once I got there I see Chris there. He looked really bad. (I'll let you imagine what he looks like)

"What the fuck happened?"

I said as Chris then looked up to me.

"I got into a fight"


"People was talking so bad about you. Like some nasty stuff, and I didn't want them to talk like that about you"

I nodded my head as I grabbed the first aid kit. I then helped him get cleaned up a little bit.

"Listen I understand why you got into a fight but your just gonna have to ignore them. People are going to talk about people like that and your not gonna like it. There is going to be one day where you can't do nothing about it."

He then nodded his head and said ok. Once I put the last band aid on him, he leaned in a gave me a kiss.

"Thank you for helping me get cleaned up"

"Your welcome"

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