meeting the sturniolo family

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Today I was meeting Chris's parents. Not going to lie I was scared to meet them.

Right now I was at my house getting ready to meet them. I was currently putting some makeup on. I'm wearing something simple. I baggy t-shirt and some sweatpants/pant (you choose).

Once I got done I grabbed my phone and keys. Then I headed out to my car.

Once I had arrived I sat in my car for a second. I then texted Chris.



I'm here

Okay I'll be out in
a mintue



Soon I see Chris walk out of his house and I got out of my car. He then walked over to me before giving me a hug. We then headed to the house.

" I'm so nervous "

I had said before we walked in

" why? There's nothing to be nervous about "

He said reassuring me and pulled me into a hug

" I don't know, I'm meeting your parents for the time "

He then rubbed his hand up and down my back

" hey, it's okay they are gonna love you I know they will so there's nothing to be scared about "

We stood there for a mintue before Chris pulled back from the hug.

" okay you ready? "

I then took a deep breath

" yeah "

Chris then opened the door and let me go in, he then walked in behind me. Once we got in he lead me to the living room where MaryLou and Jimmy was at.

When we got into the living we stood there for a second and Chris looked at me.

" Mom, dad this is my girlfriend y/n "

Chris said causing his parents looking over at us. MaryLou then came over to us and pulled me into a hug.

" oh my god, it's finally nice to meet you, you are so gorgeous "

She said as she pulled away from the hug.

" it's nice to meet you y/n, this boy never shut up about you 'y/n is so pretty', 'I can't wait to hang out with y/n today'.

Jimmy said mocking Chris

" Dad.. really? "

Chris had said looking embarrassed

" wait, y/n thinks it's funny "

Jimmy said while looking at me see kinda laughing at what he said.

" come sit down, and tell us a bit about yourself "

Me, Chris and MaryLou all walked over and sat down on the couch. I then told them about stuff I like and what I do for my job.

We then sat around talking about some random stuff. After a while Chris then spoke up.

" If it's okay with you guys could y/n stay the night if it's okay with her "

MaryLou and Jimmy really didn't mind and neither did I. So after a little longer me and Chris went downstairs to his room and he gave me some clothes so I can change into. Chris then stepped out of the room so I can change.

After I got done changing Chris came back in we laid down on the bed and we were watching (name a movie). After a while I then felt myself falling asleep.

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