pranking Chris

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《 your pov 》

" Today me, Matt and y/n are going to be pranking Chris... for no reason. Also we barley convinced y/n to do this prank "

Nick had explained once he started the camera for tomorrow's video.

" Enough explaining we are going to go set up cameras around the house. It's gonna be easy since Chris is alseep right now. "

Matt said and Nick then stopped the camera.

" I bet y/n doesn't last long "

Matt said and me and Nick nodded our head in agreement. Then Matt and Nick went and set the cameras up.

《 skip to when Chris wakes up 》

We were watching a movie in the living room when we heard Chris coming up the stairs. Once he had gotten into the living room he had his blanket around his shoulders. He then came and laid on top of me.

" what are you guys watching "

He asked and no one said a thing and he didn't think anything of it since he thought we were to focus on the movie.

After a while we got done watching the movie. So we went on our phones and Chris was still trying to talking to us but we never answered him. Chris now moved from being on top of me to being next to me.

I then got up and went to the bathroom. When I got out I seen Chris right outside the bathroom.

" baby why are you ignoring me. I don't really care about them ignoring me but why you. Did I do something? Please just talk to me "

Chris said while looking at me but I just walked past him while he was talking and went to the kitchen. I then went into the fridge and grabbed me something to drink.

Once I grabbed me something to drink I went back into the living room with Chris still following me. Once I sat down I started to talk to Matt and Nick.

" So what do guys doing for your guys video for tomorrow? "

" uhh.. we don't know yet we have until like 12 to think of something but if we don't then probably just talk about random stuff "

We then sat around talking. After about and hour Chris got up and went back down stairs but before he went down stairs he said.

" I'm going back to my room since you guys are ignoring me "

He sounded like he was on the verge of tears but tried to hold them in. Once I heard the door shut I look at Nick and Matt.

" he sounds like he's about to cry. I feel bad. "

" he does but we only have 2 more hours... anyways I'm going upstairs to play on my computer. "

Nick said

" same "

Matt also had said while they both went to there rooms. After a couple mintues I got up and went downstairs. I then walked into Chris's room. I see him sitting up on his bed with his back on the head board and it sounds like he's crying.

So I walk over to him and hugged him and he immediately hugged me back while still crying.

" w-why were yo-you guys ignoring    me "

He said while still crying but not as bad

" I'm sorry but it was for a YouTube video, I should've never agreed to it. I'm sorry. "

After a couple mintues he calms down and then Nick and Matt busted in his room.


Nick had yelled. Chris then looked up and Nick and Matt seen the state he was in.

" I'm sorry Chris we never meant to make you to cry "

Matt said while coming over and hugging Chris along with Nick.

" now get the fuck out "

Chris said while he pulled me down so he can cuddle me better and Nick and Matt left.

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