Sneaking in

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In this story no one knows about you and Chris dating

{ your pov }

I was laying in my bed watching *favorite movie/tv show* when I my phone started to go off. I then answered my phone.

"Hey what you doing?"

Chris had said as he gotten in frame

"Nothing much just watching *name the movie or tv show* why?"

I said looking at Chris on my phone

"You should come over"

"What about your brothers?"

I said giving him a confused look sitting up in my bed

"99 percent sure that they are asleep because I haven't heard anything from their rooms in a while"

"Okay give me a few and I'll be there"


He had said before hanging up. I then got up out of bed putting on a hoodie and putting on my slides.

I then headed out the door and walked over to Chris's house. It wasn't that far of a walk it was about 6 minutes. Once I got to the end of his drive way I had texted him that I was here. He texted back saying okay.

After a minutes I see the door open and I walked up. When I got up there I gave Chris a quick hug before he shut the door quietly and we quickly went downstairs trying not to make any nosies.

Once we got down to his room I took my slides off. Chris then walked up to me and pulled me into a kiss. It wasn't short but not too long of a kiss.

"God, you don't know how much I needed that"

I then laughed quietly and hit his chest

"Shut up"

I said before pulling him into one more quick kiss. When then went over to his bed laying down and put on a movie. After 30 minutes Chris then sat up.

"Hold on I'm gonna get us something so drink"


"You want Pepsi?"


He then nodded his head and went upstairs and grabbed the drinks. Once he grabbed the drink I heard him coming downstairs, when he came into the room he shut his door. He then walked over to me and gave me the Pepsi.

He then crawled back into bed and unpaused the movie. After the movie was finished we was trying to pick another movie. When the door opened.

"Chris who are you tal-"

Matt had walked in seeing me in the bed. He then pointed at me.

"Who the fuck is that"

Chris then sat up in bed

"Matt this is y/n and she is my.. girlfriend"

He had said debating on weather he should tell him or not.

"Did you sneak her in or something"

Chris then nodded his head.

"Look Chris, you don't have to sneak her in me and Nick don't care that you get a girlfriend"

Chris nodded his head one more time

"Why did you come down here?"

Chris had said

"Because I thought I was fucking tweaking when I heard someone else down here, but now that I know someone else. Im gonna go now and leave you to alone"

He then walked out and me and Chris just sat there

"Dude that was so embarrassing"

I said while covering my face with my hands


He had said real slow

"...anyways back to what we was doing"

He then laid back down and we found a movie soon drifting off to sleep
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