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"Morning, baby. How are you?" She frowned looking me over.

"I'm fine—"

"The warden told me there was a riot yesterday."

"Eomma, I'm fine."

"Stop saying that!" she snapped. "You are not fine. Being in here is not fine. I hate you in here, with these dogs. You did not kill Y/N."

"Don't you think I know that, mother?" I snapped back, rising from my seat just slightly. The guards took a step forward and I sat back down. Running my hands through my hair, my hands ended back up on my chin and mouth.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, but she shouldn't have been.

"No, Eomma, I'm sorry. How's Eunwoo?" The knot in my chest pulled tighter at the thought of him.

The grin on her face returned. "He's so...he's amazing. Yesterday, he almost pulled the hair out of your father's head, and the moment Minho began to yelp, he started to coo at him. It's like he was trying to bribe him with his cuteness."

I snickered at the thought.

"Tae, it's been four months, you need to see him—"

"No, Mother. I will not have my son coming to see me in jail. That is not his life. I refuse for him to ever see the inside of this place." He was a Kim. I'd never subject him to this unnecessarily.

She sighed. "Fine. I show him pictures and videos of you everyday. He knows you, and I won't let him forget."

"Make sure he sees her too." He needed to know her.

"Then she needs to get her ass back home and get you out of here," she hissed through her teeth.


"Fine. I know. But when she does come back, she and I will be having words."

"Of course—"

"Wrap it up. Visiting hours are over!" the guard yelled.

Reaching up, she placed her hand on the glass. "I'll see you during your next visiting session."

"Mom, you don't have to come—"

"I'll see you during your next visiting session, Taehyung," she said again.

"Okay then." My hand matched hers on the glass before I had to hang up. Placing the phone back on the hook, I took a step back.

Once again, the cuffs came on as they led me away from the scent of fresh roses. I was hoping for a moment alone in my cell, but instead, I was led back to the cafeteria. The entire place was sterile, bleached from top to bottom as if the riot had never even happened. The cuffs were off just as quickly as they came on, and Keeho nodded me over to the man sitting alone in the middle table. He was big, of course, and olive skinned, with a full head of gray hair.

Born To Bleed - KTH FF (BOOK III)Where stories live. Discover now