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It wasn't my place to tell.

"Eunha." He leaned forward and his eyes felt as if they were piercing my soul. I hated when he looked at me like that, I always melted.

"This stays between you and me, Kim Namjoon. I'm serious, if you speak about it to anyone, I will personally hurt you, and you know I can—"

"Eunha, now you have to tell me," he said, rising slowly.


"For the love of God," was all I could manage to say before I sat on the bed. "This whole time I had thought she had just...I don't even know!"

"I can still hardly believe it," she whispered crawling onto the bed with me. Pulling off her scarf, she rested her head on my chest.

"Yeah, well it explains a lot...actually, it explains everything. I'm going to do some more research on these agents Doeun sent after her. Maybe Taehyung will have some information."

"You can't tell him I told you." She sat up quickly.

"I won't. But we need to get more information. Plus, all their names were in the news broadcast. Even the President released a statement about them. They are already taking precautions, the guards said we already have cameras lining the gates." Once again, Taehyung and Y/N were ahead of the curve, they could have the President make up anything in their favor and pass it on as a "leak."

"Great. Now they can focus on fixing their relationship," she muttered, as she sat up against the headboard.

This was not good.

"Eunha..." I said slowly. She was up to something, I could see it in her beautiful, deep brown eyes.

"Look, Taehyung is pissed at her for not coming to him—"

"As he should be," I cut her off quickly.

"What? You're on his side? Didn't you just say everything makes sense?"

Oh shit. Here we go.

"Yes, I did. It makes sense, but it would have made more sense to work together as a family. She went rogue."

Her eyes widened and I knew I was in for it. Why did I even open my fucking mouth?

"She didn't go rogue, she was kidnapped by her psychotic mother, who, need I remind you, she did not even know was alive."

"And I understand that. But if she managed to spy on Eunwoo, then she could have at least sent out an S.O.S to me. Taehyung spent five months in jail."

"Oh boo hoo," she frowned, crossing her arms under her ample chest and I couldn't stop my eyes from looking at her breasts. "Weren't you the one who told me he was basically running the joint anyways?"

The joint?

"Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that he was locked up, strip searched, verbally abused, and worst of all, kept away from his son. Y/N at least saw Eunwoo. Taehyung was denied photos."

"He could have seen Eunwoo if he asked, but no—"

"He didn't want his son to have to visit his him in jail, and if the tables were reversed, I wouldn't either. That is no place for a child, let alone a Kim."

"Some might argue that this house is no place for a child," she muttered, grabbing her book off the bedside table.

Gritting my teeth together, I got up from the bed and pulled my tie off. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. I'm not saying Y/N is completely right, because she's not, but neither is Taehyung . Everything happened so fast, and they did what they both do best, they relied on themselves. It's like default mode to them."

Throwing my shirt to the side, I stretched out only to find her staring at me once again, I winked at her, causing her to snap out of it.

"It's okay, just say it: I'm sexy and you know it."

Rolling her eyes she nodded. "Fine. I am sexy, and you do know it. I called this look 'long day chic.'"

"That's not what I meant," I pouted and she laughed.

"Have you ever not been on Taehyung's side?"

"I have. It was dark and terrifying and I'm not going back there," I tried to say seriously to which she only laughed at me more.

"I will never understand this undying loyalty you have to him. Don't get me wrong, Taehyung's great when he's not being an ass, but still..." She leaned into her pillows a bit more.

I thought about the best way I could explain it. "He's just 'the one.' Not in a religious, demi-god sort of way, even though I wouldn't put it past him to think of himself like that. Since we were kids he always had a plan, and even if things didn't work out the way he had planned, he still managed to come out on top. Like this whole jail thing, everyone who spoke badly about him, not only owe him an apology but they've also tarnished their reputations. He always comes out on top. You have to respect a man like that."

"Yeah," she sighed and I watched her chest rise and fall. She would've looked miraculous if it weren't for that damn shirt.

"As much as I respect Taehyung, I would prefer his face not being on your chest anymore," I motioned to her shirt.

The free Taehyung Campaign could now finally be put to rest. She glanced down and shrugged before pulling it off and throwing it at me, revealing the yellow bra she had on underneath. I almost moaned at the sight of her. Bright colors always looked amazing against her skin.

"Is it later yet?" I wanted to rip everything off her body right now.

She smirked and signaled for me to come over with her finger. Crawling back on the bed, I kissed up her stomach as her legs wrapped around me.

"Not yet," she whispered once I got to her lips.

"For the love of God, Eunha." I wanted to hear her scream and feel her writhe underneath me as I slammed into her. I wanted my fucking wife, and I wanted her now. Why did she have to torture me?

Kissing my nose, she ran her hand up my back. "You're going to talk to Taehyung —"


She silenced my protests with a kiss. "And I'm going to talk to Y/N. You're right, they are both hardheaded and they need to vent, just not at each other. You help him see it from her perspective, and I'll help her see it from his. He listens to you."

"Can't Minho do it?" I muttered, as I cupped her breast.

"You want me to seduce your uncle into talking to Taehyung?" The grin on her face was so large I might have actually smiled in return.

"You're not seducing me," I whispered only inches from her face.

"Oh really?"

"I'm seducing you." My lips came closer to hers, and just as she was preparing to kiss me, I kissed the side of her neck as I slid my hand between her thighs. She moaned. "You see, I'm going to have you tonight, baby, but my question to you is: do you want one orgasm, or do you want lose track?"

I slid another finger inside of her as she rocked against my hand.

"Fuck, Joon," she hissed and moaned.

There was my hell raiser. "Oh, what about no more cursing?"

Pulling her bra down, I took her nipple into my mouth and bit and sucked hard and fast before letting go.

"But if it's a fuck you want, it's a fuck you'll get." I'd planned to do so much more than that. She was already so wet, and her pussy was dying for more. However, I stopped before she came and pulled my hand away causing her to whimper.

Born To Bleed - KTH FF (BOOK III)Where stories live. Discover now