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Her eyebrow raised. "A few more times?"

"I told you I wanted you addicted, did I not?" I said to her.

"And if I already am?"

"I'll be the one to decide that. Right now, call for food. You're going to need your energy for round two."

I kissed her and she grinned as she reached over to the bedside table and innocently arched her back and flexed her body against me.

I lightly bit her nipple.

"Mr. Kim!"

"You put it in my face, so I have to show it love."

Yes. This was just the beginning. We would deal with all the other fucking things tomorrow.


As I poured the brandy into his glass, he looked me over carefully, and I was certain that he was confused as to why we were sitting at a private table that overlooked the restaurant.

"Will that be all, Mr. Kim?" the waiter asked me.

"Yes, it's perfect. Thank you," I told him before he turned and walked away.

Namjoon reached for the glass and stared at the liquor. "I vaguely remember being witness to a meal similar to this with an old business associate before he lost his life."

"Yes, so do I. We dubbed it his last supper," I replied, as I cut into the nearly red meat before me; I've always preferred my meat just a little bloody. "He never saw it coming. One moment we were laughing over brandy, and the next he was gasping for air. It was quite tragic."

He frowned and placed the glass down before he met my gaze. "Do you believe I've betrayed you, Taehyung?"

"Have you?" I asked before chewing.

"I'm insulted by the question. We're so close that I think of you as a brother, not my cousin." He picked up the glass once more and drank its contents. "But then again, I know you, and if you truly believe that, you would've had me tied to a chair. We wouldn't be settling anything over filet mignon at the Plaza."

"If you know me as well as you think you do, then why are you sweating?" I grinned, as the beads of sweat rolled down the side of his cheek.

He gasped as he reached for his neck, and felt his own pulse. He had to have known by now...

"Taehyung, have you lost your damned mind?" he hissed as he took a deep breath and undid his tie. "I would never—"

"I know. It's not poison. You're going to be fine, Namjoon."

Born To Bleed - KTH FF (BOOK III)Where stories live. Discover now