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"Hi, Jisoo," I whispered pressing the knife into her white skin even harder. Her eyes rolled back and I slapped her hard across the face keep her awake. Her blood dripped from the side of her head from where I'd smashed it with a dish.

"Y/N, whatever it is you—"

I pulled onto her hair tighter, her head lifting up. "You helped Doeun, and caused my husband to be sent to jail all in the hopes of stealing our lives and our son. That was your deal, right? You stupid, incompetent, naïve, little bitch."


"That was the deal, wasn't it?!" Taking the knife, I stabbed her in the thigh.

"Y/N!" she screamed as her hands rushed to her thigh when I pulled the knife out.

"Say the truth for once, Jisoo. I already know it, but I need to hear it from you," I said, as I pressed the bloody knife into her neck once more. "SAY IT!"

The tears fell from her face as she began to sob.

"I don't have time for this shit," I muttered as I pulled the knife back

"I—I...did it," her voice broke. "I made the deal. He contacted me after my father won the election. He promised me that Jin and I would take over. He wanted you gone, but he still needed the drug trade going and that—"

"And what?" I hissed.

"Eunwoo. He promised me that I would get Eunwoo."


"Y/N," Taehyung stopped me from craving her face up.

"Get up," he said to her when I let go.

She didn't move.

"You have five seconds starting now. Five...four...three...two—" Before he got to one, she got to her feet, and the moment she did, I punched her square in the jaw. She stumbled backwards, but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I punched her repeatedly, and her body fell to the ground, I would have gone further, but I felt Taehyung's arms as they wrapped around me and pulled me back.

"Take her away for now, and make sure she doesn't do anything foolish," he said to both Suho and Jihan.

I hadn't even noticed when they'd entered.

She was out cold, with blood dripping from her face as I took a deep breath.

"What happened to calm?" Taehyung questioned me from behind.

Turning to him, I glared. "I was calm! She's alive, isn't she? For five months, I couldn't hold him. For five months, I ran around watching from computer cafes and cell phones while she held him. While she read to him and tucked him in! While she was his mother, not me! I can handle everything, but not Eunwoo. Don't fuck with my child."

Born To Bleed - KTH FF (BOOK III)Where stories live. Discover now