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"He's your older brother, respect him."

"Easier said than done."

"Fine. If you don't want to marry Min Y/N, then you can marry Ms. Hwang."

"That's like asking if I'd like to be run over by a train now or later! I don't want to get married until after I take over. It shouldn't be a clause for me to become the Capo dei Capi." He had all these damn rules. He forced me to learn everything under the goddamn sun, yet he still treated me like a child.

"Min or Hwang?" he asked as though he were bored.


"I won't ask you again. Min or Hwang?"

"Fine, Min. I'll wait for the train. Maybe I can think of a way out of this contract. I don't know how you can trust them with the amount of shit that the Mins have put us through. Now I'm supposed to lie next to one. "

"At least you'll have good food," he replied.

"We have chefs for that—what are you looking at?" I moved over and saw a map on his desk. It was new trade routes for our supplies.

"Oh, well look at that, you can hold the girl talk for a moment," my father said.



I stood out on the balcony staring up at the moon with a bottle of brandy in my hand. Drinking straight from the bottle, I shivered as Y/N's warm arms wrapped themselves around me. Without saying a word, I stood and enjoyed the warmth of her presence. I'd been feeling cold and nothing could warm me up like she could. Drinking didn't help, tears burned, but she and Eunwoo were it.

"I know I have to be stronger, I have to be a leader," I whispered to her, "but I—I..."

"I get it, Taehyung. Everything will be taken care of tomorrow, you just have to show up."


Shaking my head once more, I turned around to face her.

"I need you to give me the speech."

"The speech?" she questioned, confused.

Looking down, I swallowed and tried to form the words. "Tomorrow, I need to not only be the head of this family, but the leader of the entire Kim clan. Plus, your people will be there on top of that. I can't weep; I can't be anything except strong because all eyes will be on me, but right now, I can't even breathe. So I need you to do what you've always done and tell me the truth. You tear into people and lay everything on the table. I need that. I need to know how you functioned after Hyunbin died. You cried for one night and the next you were using him as bait. And I know you, you loved him, you are not as cold as you want people to believe. You were in pain. I need you to speak to me, because apparently I can't speak for myself. "

Born To Bleed - KTH FF (BOOK III)Where stories live. Discover now