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Checking under all of the stalls to make sure I was alone, I pulled off my pearls and quickly slid each jewel into the air vent.

Dear God, let this work. It had to work. It was our only chance.

I walked back to the elevator bank as calmly as I could and I saw, much to my relief, that her attention was already focused on a new arrival. The elevator doors opened and I got on.

"Hold the ele—" someone yelled as the doors began to slide shut, but I didn't bother.

"Is it done?" Taehyung asked in my ear.

"Yes. I'm here," I whispered.

When the doors opened, I saw him sitting in the front hall, as agents continued to work behind a separate glass door. Behind it, rows of grey cubicles occupied the space.

"How long do you think we'll have?" I whispered, as I took a seat beside him.

"For them to clear the whole building? A few hours if we're lucky. Do it now."

Pulling out my phone, I dialed 411.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim, can we get you anything?" a man with files tucked under his arm stopped and asked.

"No, we're fine, thank you. You all look busy enough as it is," Taehyung replied.

I didn't pay attention to his chatter. Instead, I stared at my watch.

"It's starting," Taehyung whispered and I followed his gaze to the air vents. The white smoke started to spread like the plague. It was slow at first. Then it began to pour in through every vent. It wasn't deadly, but they didn't know that.

"Sound the fucking alarm already," I hissed under my breath.

I didn't have to wait long before it went off.

"CODE BLACK! Everyone move to the stairs!" a man yelled as the smoke now rushed in.

Visibility was almost non-existent, and Taehyung and I were forced to trail our way along the walls. He and I didn't speak, choosing instead to focus on the shadows of room as we moved through the offices. Doeun's office was locked with a keypad; however, we knew most of the codes already. Entering the code, Taehyung held the door open for me.

Taehyung moved over to the desk and stood on it in order to close off the air vents within the office. Then he lifted the window open.

Sitting at his desk, I noticed all the awards and photos of him with people of prominence; presidents, world leaders, the Queen of motherfucking England, even the goddamn Pope. He was willing to throw all of this away...that was how much he hated us, how much he wanted to destroy us...insanity must really run in my family.

Self-righteous son of a bitch.

"Joon is on." Taehyung came up behind me as I began the monumental task of attempting to hack into the computer.

"How's it going, Joon?" I asked as I logged into Doeun's mainframe.

"Slow. There are too many names and not enough fucking time for us to go through all of them and stop it individually. Please for the love of God tell me that you've got the right computer."

My heart began to race as I found the program. Could it really be this easy?

"I think so—"

The moment I opened it, the timer once more spun out of control. What had once been a little under nine hours, reset itself to a little over four hours. It was like being slapped in the face and having my heart ripped from my chest.

Born To Bleed - KTH FF (BOOK III)Where stories live. Discover now