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Wrecker and Omega were outside, according to Hunter, Wrecker was showing Omega how to disarm grenades. This should be good, Valerie thought. Hunter called out on his com-link and wanted everyone back on board the Venator. Valerie was standing outside, watching them from a distance. Valerie sensed people were watching them. Hunter and Tech were still inside the cruiser, she didn't have time to get them. Instead she did a flip and jumped down, making her way towards Echo, Wrecker, and Omega. Valerie stood on a destroyed cruiser and saw Wrecker hanging off the end of the speeder. She tilted her head in disbelief. Echo and Omega came over the coms.

"Hunter, Tech. We were spotted by scrappers." Echo said. 

"Wrecker's in pursuit. He says he has it under control." Omega chimed in. 

"Echo, get a visual." Hunter said.

"I'm on it." Echo responded.

"I'm getting a visual too, almost in position." Valerie said as well.

"Val? You are outside too?" Hunter said.

"Yes, I sensed something was off." She said back. She was crouched down on a platform as she watched Wrecker get thrown off. She jumped onto the platform, the scrapper turned and looked at her. The scrapper tried to punch her but she dodged it, she waved her hand and said. "You are going to forget anyone was ever here and head back to camp."

"I will forget anyone was ever here and head back to camp." The scrapper said and slowed the speeder, she jumped off and the speeder sped away from her. She saw Echo holding out his blaster witnessing what just happened. She gave a small wave.

"Are you okay?" Omega ran up to Wrecker, the same time Valerie walked up.

"I-I was just waiting to make my move." Wrecker said.


Everyone was back at the jedi cruiser and Wrecker placed down the two scrappers they knocked out. "Rex warned us about the scrapper patrols on Bracca. We should leave." Echo said.

"In our present situation, we need money." Hunter said. "And we have a chance to make a lot of it right here." Valerie and Tech were sitting on a pile of scrap. She was looking over his shoulder, seeing what he was doing on his data pad.

"Ha! In this dump? How?" Wrecker asked.

Hunter turned to Tech, "Tech, what's the potential haul inside this cruiser?"

He looked up, "my scans indicate the armory and artillery bay have not been fully off loaded. There's a dianoga here that must have kept the scrappers away."

Just a few of those weapons could help keep us steady for a long while." Hunter put his hand on his chin.

"Were soldiers, not arms smugglers." Echo said sternly.

"Echo we need the credits, I can't use my jedi mind trick all the time." Valerie added.

"There's no republic for us to rely on anymore." Hunter said and Valerie looked down. Tech put a hand on her shoulder, as to comfort her. "We're presented with an opportunity here. We have to take it." 

"I would also add that the intel from the bridge's central system has the potential to be worth far more than any weapon." Tech said.

"Blegh, not to me." Wrecker said.

Hunter put his helmet on. "Tech, Val get to the bridge." Tech and Val stood up. Tech putting his helmet on, "get the power online and whatever intel you can gather."

"Um, what do we do about them?" Omega asked.

"We'll grab what we need and be gone before they even wake up." Hunter said. Everyone took off running towards their assignments.

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