Fate Worse Than This

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All Tech could do was stare at Valerie while the third-brother held her, but her gaze was at her old jedi master. "I'm not afraid to die because, if it means saving you in the end. I wouldn't hesitate." Her voice cracked, but Tech knew she wasn't afraid; but more like she planned this. That worried Tech more, she planned to die rescuing her master. Tech saw an evil grin from the third-brother and he watched him ignite his lightsaber right through Valerie's abdomen. Tech's eyes widened in horror, he looked at Valerie's face, she was in pain. Tech watched as she brought her hands to stomach, blood dripped as the third-brother deignited his lightsaber.

"Valerie!" Tech looked at Omega as she screamed out her name, Hunter was holding her back. Tech looked back at Valerie, she was staring at him, as if she was looking at him for the last time.

Tech could see her knees, starting to give out but the third-brother tightened his grip on her. "Now now, don't die on me too soon." Tech and the others held their blaster up. "Ah, I would stay back. Perhaps there is still a chance to save her but if you kill me." He shrugged. "She dies anyways. You have a choice." Tech saw the same evil grin. "But I want you to watch the life leave her eyes as she dies here on these cold floors, alone." Tech turned his focus back to Valerie he could see the color draining from her eyes, tears started to form in his eyes, under his helmet. Her abdomen bleeding. 

Time seemed to slow down. The third-brother let her go and her body dropped to the ground and everyone ran forward. "Valerie!" Tech yelled as he ran to her body, he slid on his knees to her, he immediately applied pressure on her wound. Rickshaw and Hunter ran after the third-brother. Omega kneeled on Valerie's otherside. "Omega put all you pressure here." Tech instructed. She nodded and she took over. Tech grabbed her face, she felt cold. "Valerie?" He checked for a pulse. Drake kneeled next to Omega. "I can barely feel her pulse." He couldn't hide the panic in his voice.

"She can't die." Omega said and Tech looked at her, she was crying.

"We're gonna have company soon." Moose kneeled next to Tech. "What are we gonna do? Can we move her?" Ginkgo knelt on the ground and took over for Omega.

"We're gonna have too." Drake said.

"She's going to die if we move her!" Tech raised his voice.

"Son, there's a chance she's going to die anyways and I will not let her die on this floor." Drake said, looking at Tech. "I can carry her-"

"No." Tech said. "I-I'll do it."

"I can keep pressure while we move her." Ginkgo said. "But we should find a medical bay or something of the sort."

"We need to go!" Wrecker said and pulled out his blaster and started shooting the troopers that started to form in the hall. Moose stood and started blasting them and Drake pulled out his lightsaber and blocked the fire.

"Ginkgo!" Bo knelt down and held up a data pad. "Down the hall to the left is a medical bay."

"Okay, you ready to move her Tech?" Ginkgo asked. "Because once we move her we can't stop." Tech nodded. "Okay on three." Ginkgo took a deep breath. "1...2...3!" Tech scooped her up and Ginkgo kept his pressure. Valerie's head hung but he and Ginkgo turned and steadily made their way down the hall.

"What about the others?" Tech asked as they made their way.

The two of them heard the blaster fire. "We have to trust they're behind us, we can't stop."

"I'm right behind you!" They heard Omega call out.

"Omega, run ahead and make sure there is a bed clear." Tech said and Omega ran past the two of them, they rounded the corner and saw an open door. "There!" They entered the room as Omega took her arms and pushed objects onto the floor.

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