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"Aunt Chuchi!" Kateri ran up to the senator and embraced her. The senator hugged her back and said something out of earshot as Valerie and The Bad Batch walked up to Senator Chuchi, as Kateri was walking away with the guards.

"Thank you everyone sincerely." The senator bowed.

"Of course senator but," Valerie paused. "Why didn't you tell us that she was your niece?"

"Well many people don't know that and if they did she would be more at threat and I would prefer we keep this a secret, even from the Jedi Counsel." Senator Chuchi looked at Valerie.

"Of course senator, not a problem at all." Hunter said. "Do you acquire anything else from us?"

"No sir, thank you again. You'll always have an ally in the senate with me, although I must warn you, I'm not sure what's happening but there's tension in the senate. A revolution or something bigger is going to happen soon, but I can't say for certain what it is." With that warning Senator Chuchi turned on her heels and walked away from the group.

"Well that was weird, what was that about?" Wrecker said, breaking the silence.

"I don't know but we should be going, we'll have new orders soon." Hunter said and the clones started to walk away. Valerie stood in her spot looking at the Pantoran girls. Kateri turned around and waved to Valerie before turning back. Valerie could sense the unease in the senator and wondered what her warning meant.

"Valerie you coming?!" She turned to see Echo had called out to her.

"Uh-yes I am!" she called back and ran up to him.

"Are you alright Val?" Echo asked her.

Valerie thought for a moment while walking with the clone, "I will be but I don't think we should take her warning lightly."

"I agree with you, but there's nothing we can do at the moment. Come on, let's go." Echo patted her shoulders and let her board the Marauder first.

"Okay guys. We got our orders Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her padawan Caleb Dume need backup on Kaller. Unfortunately backup can't get to her so they're sending us first until help can arrive. Everyone get seated." Hunter said and everyone took their place and started making their way up to the galaxy.

Everyone was talking but Valerie stayed silent. She couldn't shake the warning Senator Chuchi said. Just by her own feelings and the senator, she could sense in the force something was going to happen, and she was worried. She was worried about her master, the other Jedi, and the clones, her clones. "Okay guys. We should rest up. Tech said he'll keep flying. We have a few clicks before we can jump to hyperspace and get to Kaller. We'll need our strength for this battle." Hunter said, everyone stopped their chatter and made their ways to their rooms. Hunter noticed Valerie being quiet and followed her. "Hey Val everything alright?" He caught up to her.

Valerie couldn't make eye contact with him, "yes I am Hunter. Just lost in thought is all." She trailed off.

"No, don't do that." Hunter said as they paused in front of her room.

"Do what?" She tilted her head

"That." He pointed his finger toward Valerie. "Shut down and shut us out. You can talk to us. We're a team now, whatever is going on in that head of yours, you can tell us. We're here for you."

"Thank you Hunter I know-"

He cut her off, "I know something happened with you before you were assigned to us, I'm not 100% sure what that is and I know that you'd rather be back with your other boys but you're not. We're your boys now."

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