Order 66

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Valerie laid in her bed, unable to sleep. She wasn't sure what was keeping her awake this time. She sat up and was looking around the room. Something in one of the boxes caught her eye. She got up and wandered over to the box. She picked up an old data-pad and held it delicately in her hands, it was a small data pad. She brushed the dust off the screen with the back of her hand, and her head shot back, eyes rolling into the back of her head, mind going blank.

Valerie stood in the middle of a shining white hallway, she looked around her and saw some Kaminoans, but mostly clone troopers varying in all ages. One particular clone wearing goggles holding the same data pad walked past her with a Kaminoan leading the way. She tilted her head and followed them. "Mistress Nala Se, where are you taking me." The young clone asked.

"CT-9902, I'm bringing you to your brothers. They'll be your new squad." The Kaminoan stated.

"Are they like me?" He asked and typed on the datapad.

"Not exactly, modified clones they are, but they do not have an enhanced mind like you."

"Oh." He looked up from his data pad. Valerie realized this was Tech and thought the little clone was adorable. She guessed this was the first time Tech was meeting clone force 99. They stopped at a door and it opened revealing 3 other clones. She picked up Hunter as the clone was wearing a red bandana. Crosshair who had his white hair, and Wrecker who was in fact a young clone but still large and buff. Valerie smiled at the bad batch meeting for the first time.

"Clone force 99 this is CT-9902. A new member for your squad." The Kaminoan let Tech walk inside the room, Valerie followed behind them. "I'll leave everyone to be acquainted, but you clones start training together tomorrow morning." With that she left the clones and Valerie in the room. Tech stood awkwardly in the doorway.

"Well are you gonna come in or just keep standing there." The clone with the bandana said.

"I-uh-I'm CT-9902." Tech said.

"Well CT-9902," the clone with the red bandana said. "We don't go by our designated numbers. They call me Hunter, this here is Crosshair." The clone with the white hair nodded, "and this here is Wrecker." 

"Hey there!" Wrecker grabbed Tech and gave him a hug, dropping the data pad.

"Please put me down." Tech huffed. Wrecker put him down and Tech picked his data pad off the floor and brushed it off.

"You're really attached to that data pad, aren't you?" Hunter said.

"Yes I am, I enjoy learning new things." He said.

"Wow you're like a walking computer aren't you?!" Wrecker said. "We should call you Tech." He slapped Tech on the shoulders.

"Tech, how original." Crosshair mumbled.

"Tech I like it. Welcome to the team Tech." Hunter held his hand out and Tech shook it. Valerie couldn't help but smile at the first exchange at the bad batch. Valerie looked down at the same data pad and touched the screen. 

Valerie jumped back in consciousness and took a couple steps back with a gasp. She looked down at the data pad in her hand. "What was that? What did I just do?" She asked herself, she's never done anything like that before. "Was that a force ability?" She knew that different jedi are able to wield different force abilities but she's never heard of anyone being able to see history but did read about psychometry in some jedi books back at the temple and wondered if that was the same thing. This was Tech's data pad, it may mean something to him since she was able to see the past behind it and she should probably give it back to him. She wandered from the room and as usual found Tech alone in the main controls, everyone else was probably resting for Kaller. "Hey Tech you have a minute."

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