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"This is delicious!" Wrecker exclaimed, taking a bite of a drumstick. "Those ipsium miners sure know how to make good grub."

"Maybe you should save some so we can ration our actual food Wrecker." Tech said, pushing some buttons on the Marauder.

"I'm just happy we have our ship back." Omega said, sitting next to Tech in the pilot's seat. A button started blinking and Omega turned her head. "Tech, what's that?"

"Hmm, an encrypted message but I am not sure who it's from." Tech pushed some buttons and it stopped beeping. "Best we don't receive it."

"Why not?" She asked.

"Who knows who it could be? The empire, Crosshair, or bounty hunters. We don't need that kind of heat right now." Tech said.

"What kind of heat?" Hunter walked up.

The button started blinking again. "It's blinking again." Omega pointed out.

"Who is it?" Hunter asked.

"Unknown." Tech responded.

"Tech says we shouldn't answer it." Omega said.

Hunter looked at the blinking button. "Normally I would say he's right but I have this feeling..." Hunter turned and walked up to the holotable. "Tech patch them through." Omega and Wrecker also walked up to the holotable.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes." Hunter said and Tech followed orders, a figure popped up. Tech put the Marauder on autopilot and stood next to Hunter. They saw a clone before them, looking panicked and focused on what was going on behind him but he was alone. Shouting could faintly be heard behind him. "Captain?"

He didn't hear them.

"Can he hear us?" Wrecker asked.

"Rickshaw." Hunter said again and the clone turned his attention to them.

"Hunter! Hunter, listen, I don't have a lot of time. I'm sending you coordinates." Rickshaw said and looked down at the holotable he was gripping.

"Rickshaw? What's going on, where's Valerie?" Hunter asked.

"Is Val okay?" Omega questioned.

Rickshaw shook his head, almost as if he's trying to get his thoughts in order. "Right, right Valerie. I have a message and some coordinates. I'm sending those now but Valerie wanted me to tell you that she's alright, she always is." Rickshaw clicked off the holotable, leaving the group of four looking at each other confused.

"What was that about?" Wrecker asked.

"A message and coordinates? I too am slightly confused." Tech returned to the pilot seat.

"Why did Val send Rickshaw with a message? Why couldn't she come herself?" Omega turned to Hunter.

Hunter had his chin on his hand before he looked at Tech. "She's in danger."

Tech turned to Hunter. "What do you mean?"

"Rickshaw's message, Valerie is always saying about how she's alright and that she always has to be, but I've noticed she only says it when she's not okay. Something must've happened and she's instructed her captain to reach out to us. She knows I would've known what that meant." Hunter walked up to Tech, "did you receive those coordinates yet?"

"Receiving them now." Tech said. "Hunter, I know you may debate this but if Valerie is in trouble then we need to go-"

"Of course we are Tech, this isn't up for debate, if our girl is in trouble. Then we go save her." Hunter said and Tech typed in the coordinates Rickshaw sent them.

The Bad Batch Aftermath{TechxOC}Where stories live. Discover now